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Cable and Avery put pressure on the Prime Conclave with a train heist! When everything seems to be going according to plan, the universe throws a wrench in their plans. Whether it’s the virus, murderous techno-organic abominations, or love fleeting…Cable has to face yet another moment where time is not on his side. Bullets, Bad Memories, and Big Bads rule in Cable: Love and Chrome!
- Written by David Pepose
- Art by Mike Henderson
- Colors by Arif Prianto
- Letters by Joe Sabino
- Designer Jay Bowen
- Assistant Editor Martin Biro
- Associate Editor Annalise Bissa
- Editor in Chief Tom Brevoort
- Special Thanks Dan Slott
Fight the Power in Cable: Love and Chrome!
Cable has decided to join forces with the people of Salvation Bay by taking on the Prime Conclave. With any war, information wins battles, and that’s where Cable and Avery focus their attacks! It’s a jail break when a train carrying prisoners responsible for breaking into the Conclave’s secret archives are being transported. It’s an awesome sequence with big moments that felt straight out of an action movie!
Cable: Love and Chrome Issue 1 sets the tone!
Not everything goes according to plan though, and Cable is left strategizing the best of a bad situation. After some seriously heated debates and self reflection before they move onto their next objective, the powerful Conclave drug known as Spark. Yet again things get turned upside down, and this may be too much for even Nathan Dayspring Askani’son Summers to handle!
Cable: Love and Chrome Brings the Action
David Pepose just gets it, man. Cable is an action star, and that’s what this issue is all about! We’ve got huge shootouts with high stakes, steamy scenes with the leading lady, and boss battle so dangerous that Cable will have to put it all on the line to survive! While all of these is adrenaline pumping fun, there’s also some very relatable, human moments that keep everything in perspective.
Cable Finds More Than a Mission
Cable is a badass, time traveling soldier but he’s also just a man lost with no home. Relationships are not his strong suit. Here, we get a sense of who Nathan Summers is when actually finding those things he’s been missing. Avery Ryder is more than his commander now, she’s his rock. He believes in her and what she is trying to accomplish. She’s written so strong with an unwavering spirit. She’s someone you would thing Cable may but heads with (and he does at times) but he truly believes in her abilities to lead and so does the reader. Great character work by Pepose.
Cable: Love and Chrome Draws on Action and Horror Themes
Mike Henderson takes this action movie script written by Pepose and make it come to life. Huge scenes are captured in all their glory with splash pages and big, dynamic panels. Movement and posing are on point by Henderson. He captures the brutality in these fights, whether they be with guns, fists, or psionic powers.
Rogue and Cyclops But Heads in X-Men #9
In a surprise reveal we get these awesome Techno-Organic mutant designs that just look like they would be a problem for any protagonist. Asymmetrical bodies and inhuman communication give them the ultimate horror vibe!
Colors and Letters are the Cherry on Top
Color work from Prianto highlights what Henderson is trying to convey in dynamic, swift movements. There’s a lot going on in these big battles that would get lost in black and white. Environments, emotions, and suspense are all built through color palettes. Throw on top of that the letter work from Joe Sabino and these big action sequences jump to life!
Overall Grade: 9/10
I love this series so far. He gives me a lot of Terminator, Mad Max, District 9 types of vibes. Fans of action and sci-fi movies will really dig this. It hits all of those plot points and themes that we love about those genres. That may be the bigger picture, but’s there’s also a really good underlying human story that feels important as well. Pacing does suffer a bit in this one with a lot of internal dialogue from Cable. However, beautiful artwork keeps us engaged in the moments!