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It’s time for our team to go on a museum trip. Writer Melissa Flores, Artist Michael Yg, Colorist Fabi
Marques, and Letterer Ed Dukeshire have put an enjoyable issue together.
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The issue starts with a flashback to 2 years ago. We see Mark at the Angel Grove Natural History Museum. He is working at the museum with an Eltarian scientist. He and this scientist work together in a lab in the museum’s basement.
The flashback ends and we pick up where last issue left off. We see Valentina and Jun talking about how not to tell Jun’s mom about Lauren. We then see Lauren, Orion, and Mark together as well.
Lauren and Mark are having a conversation and after this, Valentina and Lauren call a truce. It’s after that we find out that Lauren needs a morpher to be able to save her brother and dad. Mark then proceeds to mention he knows where to find a morpher.
Cutting to Rita and Bulk, they find themselves on a different, but similar mission. We see them outside a very familiar location to all Power Rangers fans. But it’s not what you think it is on the inside.
It is a meditation center run by RJ from Power Rangers Jungle Fury. Rita uses her wand, and the people inside burn with fire. Rita then asks Bulk what he knows about Power Rangers.
We then head back to the museum with Lauren and the others. Mark leads everyone towards the lab, during which Valentina and Lauren have a much more civilized conversation.
Meanwhile, Rita also shows up at the museum, and it seems like she has a plan of her own. Mark and the others hear the noise and run. But they instead run into Rita and Bulk. We then see Lauren and Rita fighting.
While that fight is happening, The VR Troopers also show up. Now the fight goes from Rita and Lauren fighting, to Rita helping out Lauren. We see Rita using her powers to help Lauren out. The final panel shows off Lauren as the Red Prime Ranger.
Overall Grade: 10/10
This comic is just continuing to get better. And now that we know the mystery behind the cover for Issue #1, we can continue to see what the story goes on from here.