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Monster High: New Scaremester #5- A Zombie’s POV


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It’s time to flashback to last month’s issue. Writer Jacque Aye, Artist Siobhan Keenan, Colorist Katherine Shuda, and Letterer Neil Uyetake have put a great series of events together. 

Read Monster High: New Scaremester #4 Here

Monster High: New Scaremester #5 Cover B By Luciannys Camacho (Credit: IDW)

We start with CryptCrier saying we should revisit the events that happened the night of the Graveball game. The scene then cuts to Clawdeen and her brother Clawd outside her locker. Both of them mention that Draculaura hasn’t been acting like herself lately. This then leads both of them to have a conversation about it. 

We then see Ghoulia watching this conversation happen. The comic then cuts to Clawdeen, Frankie, and Lagoona in Clawculus Class. They are starting class without their zombie classmates. Meanwhile, Ghoulia is in the hallway, and one of her zombie classmates runs into her. 

Ghoulia and her classmate then walk in on Draculaura, who is trying her best to protect the school. We then see Ghoulia and Cleo together in the bathroom. Cleo mentions that her love for Deuce is wavering now. 

The 2 of them then have a conversation, and Cleo leaves to go get ready for the Graveball game. Ghoulia then looks at a photo of what Deuce could do to win Cleo back. Ghoulia then pulls out a book she worked on. She writes a note to Cleo and puts it with the book. 

Who’s Watching The Students?

Ghoulia heads into the hallway, and we see Bat Draculaura fly by. Ghoulia then heads out to the bleachers to watch the game. We then see someone come from behind and grab Ghoulia. The final page just shows her backpack and the empty bleachers. 

Overall Grade: 10/10

I love that this issue shows what happened last issue from Ghoulia’s perspective. But it also indicates that whoever this is knows everyone at Monster High. 

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Kat Is A D&D Nerd And Comic Book Lover. She Can Always Be Found Either Watching TTRPG Content/Episodes Of Power Rangers Samurai On YouTube/Tubi Or Reading A Comic Book Or Playing D&D. She Also Runs Her Own Blog, Music News Daily, Where She Shares Her Love Of Music And Reports On The Latest In Both Music News, Tour/Festival News, And New Album/Vinyl News.

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