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GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe (DC Comics) Cover: Fernando Blanco

A new era in the Green Lantern mythos begins now. After the Thaaros saga concluded, Oa has risen once more. The home of the Green Lantern Corps signifies a fresh start for the galaxy’s lawful heroes. It also brings new dangers front and center.

A mysterious figure is looking for the Book of Oa. Can Hal Jordan and company stop the Sorrow before it’s too late?

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe kicks off a brand new story arc in style.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest space odyssey.


Adams gives readers a straight forward build coming out of a huge event. Considering all the Corps have been through with Thaaros, the mood is promising. Sorrow’s opening segment contrasts that completely. It heightens what’s forthcoming. Seeing Hal Jordan smiling and enjoying his time sets a fun pace heading into the chapter.


Seeing the corps working together is another solid moment. Kilowog’s return is already a fan-favorite event. The foreshadowing of more gives a quick diversion before the celebrations begin. Adams really gives the Lanterns a sense of repurpose. This ultimately gets disrupted by a certain party crasher. At the stage, pacing picks. up. The conflict is short lived but leaves its’ mark. Its’ fallout unveils a new thread into the Lantern mythos. This becomes a rallying point setting the course for the next big event. All in all, the writing is very solid for this lead in.

Marion and Fajardo Jr. give The Sorrow a full page splash to kick this book off. The interactions with the librarian waste no time setting an uneasy mood. It is a big contrast to Jordan in space. Each panel shows how he “found his smile again”. This leads into a great page of the Lanterns reuniting for Oa’s battery. Jessica Cruz holding court shows promise of what’s to come until Sorrow hits the scene.

Opening with a full page brawl with Guy Gardner, the latest threat makes a big impact with readers. The only downside is the conflict is brief. This leads into a striking page featuring Gardner confessing to a secret. It catapults events into the closing image. Readers will be excited to see the last panel. The image sets the tone for what lies ahead for the reunited squad.

The next phase of the Green Lantern legacy starts on a strong note. Adams’ writing delivers on constructing the drama with memorable moments. Marion, Fajardo Jr. and Sharpe present a united front bracing for a dark challenge ahead. Readers should expect big things from this latest arc.

hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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