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Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership #2


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Swimming for reconciliation in Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership #2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago from BOOM! Studios.

Naoko & her Mother’s – Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership #1 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago (BOOM! Studios)

Previously in Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership (Chapter Six)

Previously in issue #1, the Flavor Girls set out to explore the depths of the ocean. For this they needed the help of an expert marine biologist. So, they recruited the best in the world in Naoko’s own mother. The purpose of this mission was to confirm a dreadful theory.

They wanted to find proof of Agarthians ruins existence prior their world invasion. This new information, if confirmed, could change everything they knew about on the previous Agarthian invasion. (For more details see Flavor Girls vol.1).

Distant past, Distant Relationship

While the main story was developing, Naoko’s backstory with her mother was presented in a series of flashbacks. The two had been strangers to one another for some time. Clearly, Naoko begrudgingly resorted to ask her mother for help as a last resort. Likewise, the tension and cold demeanor of Naoko’s mother was palpable. In the end, she decided to help the Flavor Girls. But with one condition, she was coming with them as their pilot.

Naoko’s Mother will be the Pilot – Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership #1 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago (BOOM! Studios)
Flavor Girls find the ruins – Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership #1 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago (BOOM! Studios)

The Agarthian Ruins

Soon after the Flavor girls departed to search for the ruins. Eventually, after an extensive search they found what they were looking for. Unfortunately, their theory was correct. It was in fact an Agarthian ruin. The face of Agartha edged into it confirmed it. So, with much caution they proceeded to the ruins. They docked their submarine inside and dismounted to explore further on foot.

Dreadful Discovery

The further they venture inside this place the more they realized what it was. This was quite unsettling, the Flavor Girls traveled to the depths of the ocean to find a thousand-year-old vestige. Remaining only, clues from who or what was here before. Built for and by their arch nemesis, the Agarthian people. Of course, this discovery meant the Agarthians had been in planet earth before the invasion. Or, even more concerning, they had tried to conquer the planet more than once but failed.

Sole Survivor

Finally, the Flavor Girls ran into one Agarthian survivor. The giant was abruptly shaken off his sleep. Immediately jumped off his post to gather it’s bearings. First, he lashed out at the girls. Then it realized something was off. So, the giant decided to gather information in the control room. Believing the girls at fault for the decaying infrastructure, the giant directed it rage towards the present company. The Agarthian giant managed to split the group apart in two by locking Naoko and her mother outside the control room. Following that, the giant thought he recognized Sara. Regardless, the Flavor Girls found themselves in a battle for their survival.

Who is Satya??? Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership #1 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago (BOOM! Studios)
Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership no.2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago, BOOM! Studios

Drama Floats

Naoko could not break into the control room. Without any options, she bided her time. Completely trusting on her teammates ability to weather the storm and figure out a way to open the door for her. Finally, the reason for the broken mother and daughter relationship surfaced. Naoko’s mother had no confidence in her. Presumably, this is an issue they’ve carried for a long time. Moreso, an issue that hasn’t been addressed.

Nowhere to Run

Certainly, the Flavor Girls were in a dire situation. Split in 2 by the Agarthian, trapped inside an ancient spaceship in the bottom of the ocean. Additionally, Naoko’s mother showed no faith in her daughter or the rest of the heroes. However, the girls did not submit to their fears or doubts. Despite the circumstances, and the lack of confidence from Naoko’s mother, they stood their ground and fought back.

*SPOILERS FOR Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership #2*

Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership no.2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago, BOOM! Studios

Water Grave

After realizing he stood no chance against the Flavor Girls, the giant Agarthian set out to take them with him. By punching the wall with his remaining arm, the giant cracked in the structure. Allowing the pressure of the ocean to burst through. Immediately drowning the ruins and everyone inside. Next thing they know, the currents washed them away through the ruins. Until they managed to get secure high ground. That’s when Naoko realized her mother had been pulled in a different direction. As a result, her mother was stranded on the far side of the currents, unable to swim back to safety.

Swimming Memories

Without hesitation, Naoko jumped back in the water and swam towards her mother. Even against her mother’s wishes. Once reunited, Naoko’s mother insisted this action was a mistake, that Naoko was now trapped too. And no matte her efforts she would not save them. These words triggered Naoko’s memories of past failures. Back when she quit swimming. Because she felt she “wasn’t good enough” in her mother’s eyes. “Maybe it was her fault that her sister Rumiko died too“. These thoughts were overwhelming Naoko.

Naoko used to swim – Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership no.2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago, BOOM! Studios
Together – Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership no.2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago, BOOM! Studios

Rumiko’s Death

For her defeated words, Naoko got slapped by her mother. No matter how distant and broken their relationship had become, Naoko’s mother still loved her. Maybe she held some resentment to the past. But not necessarily towards Naoko, just against the loss of Rumiko. Despite whatever happened with Rumiko, she would not allowed Naoko to speak in such a way.

Failing is no giving up!

The slapped was issued without any words attached to it. But somehow it carried so many words with it. Naoko woke up from her despair immediately. Feeling of defeat dispelled, Naoko jumped back into the water and dragged her mother with her. Even as she begged Naoko to let her go and save herself, Naoko’s determination only grew. Yes, she had failed before, many times. But she would not give up, ever. For in the past, she failed alone. Thus, her mother’s lack of confidence. Now, things were different, she had the help of the Flavor Girls.

Lanched to safety! – Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership no.2 by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky & Angel De Santiago, BOOM! Studios


Regardless of that small victory, the ruins were still collapsing under water. However, the ruins contain escape pods for emergencies. The girls managed to get inside one right before it launched. And so, they did, the problem was, the escape pod wasn’t programmed to just rise above water. It kept flying towards the sky higher and higher. Thats when they heard the navigation system say: “returning to the mothership”. This was one last clue for the girls about the Agarthian Invasion right before they jumped off the escaped pod.

Chapter Seven

Finally, the Flavor Girls managed to reach the ground safe with Naoko’s Leviathan Dive. This concluded Chapter Six for now. Soon after they had time to recover, they set out for their next adventures. Sara decided to return home to visit her mother, V tagged along for the trip. Camille decided to visit her folks. While Naoko stayed back to debrief Master Himiko. I will not share any more details on chapter seven.

Flavor Girls Return Mothership #2 Cover B by Rian Gonzales, BOOM! Studios.

How about the art?

There’s something endearing and adorable about the art of this series. The colors are vibrant and bold. But don’t let the cuteness of the Flavor Girls fool you, there’s great storytelling being laid out here. For example, the action scenes are packed with lots of energy. Additionally, there are very compelling moments, loaded with pain and emotional baggage. Lastly, the second half of the book is imbued with lots of details in the background of every panel. To include extensive line work and beautiful coloring.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

The Flavor Girls are awesome!

Without going into spoilers for Chapter seven, I’m confident when that this series is not slowing down. The story between Naoko and her mother was so compelling, I felt very touched by their conflict. But even more so by their resiliency to prevail. In summary, the Flavor Girls are cute and silly fruit themed heroes, that tell stories that will have you in tears. I highly recommend it, E for everyone.

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