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WOLVERINE #5 – “The Call of Adamantine”


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This run so far as had a lot of classic Wolverine feels with some unexpected twists and turns. Last we saw Wolvie, he wasn’t exactly himself, but no one can keep the little runt from doing what he does best, for long.

Creative Team

Writer: Saladin Ahmed;

Artist: Martin Coccolo;

Color Artist: Bryan Valenza;

Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit;

Cover Artists: Martin Coccolo & Bryan Valenza;

Variant Cover Artists: Dave Bardin; Godtail; David Yardin & Edgar Delgado.

Check out another review by Lauren covering issue 1 of the current WOLVERINE Revenge run.

Wolverine #5 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Story

This issue immediately catches you up and jumps right to where we last saw Logan. Struggling with mind control is no stranger to him, however, this time feels different. As Leonard still struggles with the Wendigo curse, a reliable “elf” of a friend shows up. As they try to figure out what they’re up against, things begin to become more unclear. However, one thing is for certain. Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton is a clue.

Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Art

Throughout this WOLVERINE comic so far, the art has been exactly what you would want in a Wolverine comic. However, this issue seemed to take it up a notch. From explosions, to BAMFs, to the heavens shining above, every page was action packed, and gorgeous. The last page was detailed, graphic, and beautifully perfect for a comic featuring the most famous self healing mutant of all. Anymore explanation could spoil the surprise.

Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #5 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.


Overall Grade: 9/10

Wolverine has been in Marvel comics over fifty years now, and the big screen, twenty-five this Summer (I just aged quite a bit doing that math). He’s a well known household mutant. While, I have never written a comic, I imagine keeping a loved character consistent to what the fans know, while also creating new and surprising stories, it not the easiest. Yet, this comic seems to continually keep nailing it each week. Any and all Wolvie fans, should be picking up this comic, as it’s everything you want from the runt who is the best at what he does.

When a perfectly drawn comic combines with an incredibly engaging story, you’re immediately sucked in. Which I was. I have to give WOLVERINE # 5 9 out of 10 cigars, bub. SNIKT!

For more from Lauren, you can find her on Hops GEEK News.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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