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Ultimate Spider-Man #12 – A Major Twist


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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the 12th issue of Ultimate Spider-Man from Jonathan Hickman & Marvel!

This issue is HUGE, and it’s one that’s going to have the entire internet talking. It’s a shocking story that I honestly did not see coming at all. And it’s easily the best issue I’ve read this week. So before I start spoiling things, let’s jump into it!

Ultimate Spider-Man #12 – Courtesy: Marvel Comics (cover: Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson)

Ultimate Spider-Man #12 by Jonathan Hickman (writer), Marco Checchetto (artist), Matthew Wilson (color artist), VC’s Cory Petit (letterer), Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson (cover artists) is another home run of a issue from Hickman and is more than likely going to go down as one of the seminal issues of the run Hickman is writing.

The issue doesn’t have any action but from the way it ends you wouldn’t know it because of the punch it packs. The story takes place in the Parker’s apartment in Manhattan around Christmas time. And we see Peter & MJ are hosting a party with family and friends. We see the kids are there, along with Uncle Ben & Jameson.

The story goes along as you might expect a family party to go. Some minor plot points that probably won’t make that much of a difference down the road pop up. But it’s the ending that will leave you shocked.


Throughout the issue we see that Gwen has been trying to get ahold of MJ, but MJ has been ignoring the calls. When MJ finally picks up the phone we learn that Harry didn’t come home for the holidays and he’s been missing for six days now. Gwen asks if Peter knows where he is, and when MJ looks to Peter we find that it’s not actually Peter that’s in the room with her. It’s none other than Venom impersonating Peter.

We see in the epilogue that Harry & the real Peter are being held captive by Kraven and they look like they’ve seen better days. So now the question is how long have they been like this? And just how are they going to get out of this? It’s going to be INCREDIBLE to read!


FINAL POINT: This issue is quite honestly the best issue I’ve read this week and the most shocking one I’ve read in quite a while. The twists at the end of the issue are so unexpected from what I expected to happen that I’m glad I was wrong. Hickman is truly on one of the most memorable runs I’ve ever seen in a comic, and if you’re skipping this series for whatever reason than you don’t know what you’re missing out on. This issue is absolutely a MUST READ ASAP!

SCORE: 10 out of 10

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