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Jubilee, Calico and Beast are captured by Corina Ellis. Their former home is now a mutant prison. This doesn’t sit will with both X-Men teams. There is divided loyalty still lingering since Krakoa’s fall. Cyclops and his group have staged a strike on Greymalkin. Rogue and her team were never going to sit by idly.

Can they work together long enough to free their friends? Readers won’t have to wait long to find out.

UNCANNY X-MEN #7 by Gail Simone, David Marquez, Edgar Salazar, Matt Wilson, and Clayton Cowles continue the Raid on Greymalkin!

The series has got the NI Bullpen talking so for this review, it’s Megan Nicole (NI Brand Advisor/Vigilante Vibes Podcast), and yours truly (Ken – NI editor-in-chief/ODPH Podcast) breaking down the latest chapter.



MEGAN: Continuing the raid on the Graymalkin Prison, we see the rescue mission from Louisiana’s X-Men’s perspective. There’s a power struggle between Rogue and Cyclops that seems to have been bred from a lack of communication about harbored feelings from Rogue. She says they all waited for Scott to step up, and he shouldn’t be upset when the team fights for themselves when that’s exactly what they were taught. Scott is missing her point completely, and it adds to the tension from these two powerhouses. Scott says he wants Rogue to sit this out, but there’s no way she isn’t going to fight for her teammates.

Meanwhile, Jubilee and Calico are in the thick of it at Graymalkin with dealing with Corina Ellis. Jubilee has been tased and locked up while Calico’s parents made a deal with Ellis for her return. Something I really like about Uncanny X-Men #7 is that it really shows that Calico has the spirit of an X-Man, and will put herself on the line to save her teammates. She plays an integral part in the raid, and it cemented her as apart of the X-Men in my eyes.

Back at the former X-Mansion, that power struggle between the X-Men teams has imploded as they’re attacking each other, instead of the villains who are the reason why they’re there. If you read X-Men #8, this lines up perfectly with the events in that comic, although it felt a little repetitive to me.


KEN: Simone brings the “Louisiana X-Men” into the fray with much delight. This chapter shows the contrast between squads. Rogue’s stance subsequently shuts down Cyclops. The way she presents her argument concerning teams hits very hard. It also solidifies what readers of UXM already know. THIS is THE X-Men team that is the definition of what Xavier’s dream truly is. Cyclops’ squad doesn’t carry that same type of energy. They are more of a hit squad that an actual team.

As the story progresses, both teams go into action. One surprising factor was the amount of time recapping X-Men #8. This works for new readers of Cyclops’ team. However, if you’ve read both books, it almost feels like a rewind mid-issue (with familiar images). Once events refocus back Rogue and company, events take off. The fight between teams delivers. The resolution sends the squads into an unlikely confrontation. It’s a strong landing spot taking the crossover into the next phase.


MEGAN: The artwork of Uncanny X-Men #7 added a lot of depth to the ongoing Raid of Graymalkin as we see a lot of different dynamics from the different teams. With the Alaskan X-Men fighting the Louisiana team, I assumed we would get some really great action shots of the team and I wasn’t wrong. What I really would’ve loved to see is the fight between Deathdream and and Magik, because you can just bet that would’ve been a dark and creepy time all around.

KEN: Marquez and Salazar split art duties for this chapter. The emotions pour with Rogue dressing down Cyclops’ orders. This leads to an incredible Marquez full page team shot leading them into battle. There are a few panels that do a mirroring recap of X-Men #8 moments. Once past this, the main event begins.


A mid panel shows the standoff between squads. it doesn’t take long to get things firing up. There are plenty of great action images as its’ X-Men vs. X-Men. It gets upstaged as Beast lets loose on some guards as he and the prisoners make a break. Events conclude with a final full page of what awaits both teams. The Raid is in full swing and not over by a longshot.


MEGAN: 8.3. I’m really interested to see where this goes with both teams and how the dynamic will be with Rogue and Scott at the end. Also, with how Calico was written in Uncanny X-Men #7, she’s one character I can’t wait to get more of.

KEN: 8.8. The X-Men face off with their counterparts in a much anticipated showdown. Simone’s writing cements Rogue and company as the premier X team. The art brings the action and defiance of both groups. Judging by the last page, there’s no easy way out if both teams want to save their captured members.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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