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Laura Kinney: WOLVERINE – The Best at What She Does


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Krakoa has fallen, and Laura Kinney, AKA X-23, AKA Wolverine, is not taking it so well. So in the most Wolverine way possible, she shoves her emotions aside and focuses on saving someone else.

Creative Team

Writer: Erica Schultz;

Artist: Giada Belviso;

Color Artist: Rachelle Rosenberg;

Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit;

Cover Artists: Elena Casagrande & Edgar Delgado;

Variant Cover Artists: Jay Anacleto & Romulo Fajardo Jr.; J. Scott Campbell & Tanya Lehoux; Leirix; Kael Ngu.

Check out comic review for another recent Wolverine comic: WOLVERINE Revenge.

Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Cover. all images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Cover. all images by Marvel Comics.

The Story for Issue 1

This issue kicks off with a quick and efficient introduction to who Laura Kinney is, and how she got the name WOLVERINE. As the story progresses we see how not so well she’s dealing with the fall of Krakoa. As the repercussions of this event are being played out over many different comics, it’s fun to see how different each mutant handles it. Laura, of course, makes the decision to help. This mission takes her to Dubai, where the villain isn’t a villain she expected.

Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Art

From New York to Dubai, this comic had some very gorgeous backdrops. Both the scenery and colors were beautifully showcased. All with Laura popping in front of each scene. Whether she’s sulking at her current state, or ripping the hand off a bad guy, every movement was powerful and perfectly drawn. Emotions were all expressed in a way you could feel the depth of each scene. Meanwhile, the extra adamantium edge to the art was the two page spread of Laura punching her way to where she needed to go.

Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Laura Kinney WOLVERINE #1 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

Laura Kinney WOLVERINE Rating 9/10

Laura Kinney has big claws to fill with a name like Wolverine. However, she is her father’s daughter, and she’s killing it (metaphorically of course).

We all deal with trauma in our own way, and Laura’s way may not be the healthiest, but it’s definitely not the worst. Between her skills, her mutant powers, and her past, she seems unstoppable. This was a perfect introduction to this series. Any and all Wolverine fans need to add this one to the pull list. While this issue had a happy little ending, seeing who’s she up against in issue 2, I’m not sure that happy ending will last long. SNIKT!

For more from Lauren, check out ‘Hops GEEK News.’

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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