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Geiger #8 – Is the Town What it Seems or is it Something A Lot More Sinister?


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Geiger and his crew are escorting the children back to their home. Once they arrive, they find it to be a town that looks untouched by the radioactive fallout, a real call back to how things were. However, things aren’t always as perfect as they seem.

Credit: Ghost Machine/Image Comics

Geiger #8

Written By Geoff Johns – Pencils By Paul Pelletier

Inks By Andrew Hennessy – Colors By John Kalisz

Letters By Rob Leigh – Edited By Brian Cunningham

Published By Ghost Machine/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

A Town Untouched by Fallout

The New King calls a meeting of the Seven Remnants to discuss their failures in capturing Geiger. They hatch a new plan to finally rid themselves of the Glowing Man once and for all. Although one of the seven groups did not show up, leading to the group also discussing the Milky Way’s allegiance to the Seven Remnants.


At the same time, Geiger along with Nate, Barney, and Zigzag are escorting the children they saved from the insects back to their home. Upon arriving the group sees that this town appears to be untouched by fallout. As they are welcomed in by the mayor and townspeople it’s hard not to get caught up in the nostalgia of a town that looks like the good times. However, the town isn’t as perfect as it seems, but that will become the least of Geiger and companies’ problem.

Burn the Books, Erase the Old Ways

Geiger #8 continues the journey of our rag tag group of protagonists, well setting the table for what’s to come. This issue and series have really hit its stride and has become a truly epic tale. Issue 8 is for all intents and purposes a story build/connector issue, but it still gives you some top tier stories, well moving the plot and suspense for next issue and beyond. The fact that Geoff Johns can take a setup story and turn it into gold speaks volumes to why he’s one of the best writers in the industry.

Geiger always sports some of the very best art in comics today. From the character design to the backgrounds, to the color pallet and beyond, everything is done on the top level of the industry. There may be no greater effect in all of comics than the iconic look of the Glowing Man’s radioactive neon green effect.

Check Out My Review of Geiger #7

Final Thoughts

Geiger #8 proves once again why Geiger is one of the best stories in comics today, and why Ghost Machine is a premier entity in the world of comic books. If you are not reading Geiger this is the time to start. Get to your LCS, add Geiger to your Pull List, pick up the back issues, and thank me later.

Final Grade: 8.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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