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Storm #1 by Murewa Ayodele, Lucas Werneck, Alex Guimarães (Marvel Comics) COVER: Mateus Manhanini

Petty Thief. Avenger. Goddess. Royalty. X-Man.

These are all worlds that can describe the history of Marvel’s mightiest Mutant.

Since her debut in 1975’s “Giant Sized X-Men”, Ororo Munroe has made a legacy few characters can rival. The weather controlling phenom has crossed over into the pop culture landscape via movies and animation.

In the wake of the Krakoan Era, STORM has never been in a more profile state at Marvel. Munroe now finds herself in a new place as the Dream of Xavier is in a new status quo. Where does her journey lead her now?

Storm #1 by Murewa Ayodele, Lucas Werneck, Alex Guimarães, Fir Sifuentes-Sujo and Travis Lanham (Marvel Comics) take the reins as an ongoing series takes readers along for the ride. Considering the creative team involved, there are monster expectations surrounding this series. Tagging up for this review is N.I. Managing Editor Derek and yours truly (Ken – N.I. Editor In Chief).

Let’s see where her adventure leads her now!



DEREK: What can I say about Murewa’s writing that I haven’t said before. He has the ability to bring the reader up to the lofty heights of his imagination. With this story, Ayodele was able to get the reader into the mind of a goddess, effortlessly showing the world through her lens in such an impactful moment for Mutant kind. The pacing, narration, and structure of this issue was perfection through and through.

KEN: Ayodele sets up many bold dynamics involving the legendary X-Man’s new status. Within the first few pages, the writing sets the tone worthy of the Mightiest Mutant’s attention. Storm is portrayed with a certain stoic demeanor. The Oklahoma City incident carries a huge level of danger and challenges that would break an average hero. This is fitting for a character of her level. Once she arrives on the scene, the story moves into a display of her power and compassion.


A nuclear disaster provides an insight on what makes Storm such a fantastic character. The writing shows the caring she has for all people. Readers watch as she balances Orchis supporters and an unstable mutant with grace and care that only a goddess can provide. This leads into a startling discovery and fallout. As Storm addresses the masses over events, things are not what they seem. Ayodele throws in some curves before heading into the final page. At this moment, forget any preconceived notions. The new path Storm walks is one that hasn’t been done before and leaves many questions. It’s a strong start from the ashes of Krokoa’s legacy that makes an immediate impact on the audience.


DEREK: The whole art team was on the top of it’s game here. The flow of action and the emotion on display throughout were the highlights for me. Watching Storm direct the rescue effort while holding back the winds was exciting and frantic as each tremor was buffeted by the Mightiest Mutant! The panel layout and backdrop of Oklahoma City were beautiful as well, with the Storm Sanctuary in Atlanta serving as a wonderful local, full of life and exotic design choices. The final page offered up an incredible look at what is to come in this series as a whole!

KEN: Werneck and the art team flourish in bringing Storm into a new beginning. In the opening sequence, the full page image of Storm “looking at her past” connects with new readers about her legacy. This rolls into a tremendous full page image of the Goddess in full uniform. The two page splash of the Storm Sanctuary conveys a sense of calm before Storm addresses the masses.

The chaotic backdrop of Oklahoma City moves with a eerie weight. This gets broken up by a two page spread of Storm helping residents affected. It is equally matched by the full page image of the cause of the problem. Once in its’ resolution, Werneck and company bring events back to the present with mixed emotions from her audience. The reactions range from shock to anger, which Storm strongly keeps her composure through. That said, the closing page puts another huge moment in play. The closing panel eludes to a larger future pending how she survives her present. The art team never lets the readers escape from the notion of her nickname. She is the mightiest Mutant for a reason.


DEREK: 10/10 – Whether you have been a long time fan of Storm or if you, like me, have never loved the character this book is a must read! Ayodele’s writing brings out the best of the character while the art team brings their collective best for Storm! This is a thrilling first chapter in a book that looks to be one for the ages!

KEN: 10. It is a difficult task reinventing the near unstoppable hero. Ayodele’s writing challenges Storm on many fronts while planting the foundation for a greater future. Werneck and the art team mix in solid action moments with the strong presence that only a goddess can carry with the art. For anyone thinking they know Storm have never seen her challenged in this manner. It’s a superb start to a new chapter in a legendary character’s history. You won’t want to miss this.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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