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UNCANNY X-MEN #3 by Gail Simone, David Marquez, Matt Wilson and Clayton Cowles (MARVEL COMICS)

A dying mutant’s words has made an impact on Rogue. The conversation and message has led her into an unlikely position. When four young mutants confront her, Gambit and Wolverine, she decides to lead the charge with Xavier’s dream as the influence. Little does she know the secret lurking behind their blind optimism.

UNCANNY X-MEN #3 by Gail Simone, David Marquez, Matt Wilson and Clayton Cowles (MARVEL COMICS) continues its’ first arc with another big chapter.

The series has got the NI Bullpen talking so for this review, it’s Megan Nicole (NI Brand Advisor/Vigilante Vibes Podcast), and yours truly (Ken – NI editor-in-chief/ODPH Podcast) breaking down the latest chapter.


KEN: Without question, the new direction of Rogue refuses to let readers escape its’ welcomed grasp. Being the new “headmaster” provides many challenges for Anna Marie. The biggest obstacle isn’t necessarily her new students. It’s convincing Wolverine to buy back into a dream he clearly wants nothing to do it. This leads to Rogue showcasing why she is the leader of this team. Demonstrating the patience to allow him to find himself gives the biggest co-sign possible. Wolverine acknowledging that she doesn’t need him cause she has this under control elevates this even further.

The training session for the Outliers provides a break in the drama. It also allows readers to get some insight on these mysterious characters. The mood shifts gears in the closing act. Seeing Wolverine confront “Sarah” provides many fireworks to start flying. Simone paces the fight out to let the new danger make a huge impression with their attack. It leads to a solid final page which leaves on a startling thought. Another fantastic read!


MEGAN: With the entrance to these new kids, what better way to break them in than having their own Danger Room Experience? With Logan leaving because doesn’t feel comfortable about others in his mental state, Rogue is making the right moves as the new leader and mentor to these kids. The Danger Room experience was the perfect way to get to know these kids and see what they’re made of. The poor things all have a hardship or two in their lives, to put it mildly, which Rogue can relate to. With the help of my favorite fuzzy elf, Nightcrawler, they’re able to see the strengths of the kids and the setbacks.

Speaking of setbacks, Wolverine finds himself in the woods when he confronts Sarah, who’s terrifying to say the least. Sarah wants to kill the children that Rogue is mentoring, and Wolverine isn’t about to let that happen. He sends a stress signal to Rogue to tell her to get away from the kids, but Rogue can sense something more, that something’s wrong with Logan.


KEN: Marquez and Wilson start off the art with a haunting statis for one Charles Xavier. The shadows and narration drive the fear as the new threat begins. Wolverine’s depiction of the new recruits is crafted with a unique panel set-up. The four way “X” look hits readers and foreshadows a possible future? It’s still too early to say there but the image is a striking one.

With all the fantastic art, one series of pages will be the talk of the fans. Wolverine’s brutal fight with Sarah carries a bold statement behind it. The art doesn’t shy away from the brutality. Marquez’s art relishes in the chaos of combat. In dealing with any new character, first impressions are important to establish. Seeing how Wolverine is handled only enhances a building set-up. The quiet panel of Rogue’s reaction to the fight ends events on a tense moment which is sure to lock in readers for the next round.

MEGAN: I can’t say enough about the art! David Marquez and Matthew Wilson did a gorgeous job on the cover art. This will definitely be a comic I buy a physical copy of just to display.

In Uncanny X-Men #3, David Marquez, Matthew Wilson, and Clayton Cowles absolutely flex their talents with so many different tones throughout the comic. From the kids sleeping, to their Danger Room time, all the way to Wolverine’s fight with Sarah, all had so much depth and impact to the story. Each page keeps you hooked while making you want to jump to the next page.


KEN: 9.2. The new incarnation of Marvel’s premier mutant team revs up the action and drama for another monster read. Simone’s take on Rogue and her newfound mission continues to make for must-read stories. Marquez and the art team add in amazing imagery to perfectly complement an opening arc for the ages! Believe the hype surrounding this series. X marks the spot for a reason!


MEGAN: 10 out of 10. I haven’t seen a comic run be so consistently solid like this and it makes me so happy. I feel like the creative team has such a firm grasp on the characters and the story, there’s really no going wrong here. This run is clearly made with the X-Men fans in mind. Keep up the amazing work!

If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Uncanny X-Men #3, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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