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X-MEN #4 by Jed MacKay, Netho Diaz, Sean Parsons, Marte Gracia AND Clayton Cowles (Marvel Comics)

From the ashes of Krokoa, the X-Men rise again. Cyclops leads a team from Alaska bracing for a public that distrusts them. They also face a familiar foe who’s all but ready to step into the spotlight: Trevor Fitzroy and the Upstarts!

X-MEN #4 by Jed MacKay, Netho Diaz, Sean Parsons, Marte Gracia AND Clayton Cowles (Marvel Comics) spotlights this heavyweight throwdown!

Let’s take a closer look at this new era of X!


MacKay throws a complex scenario at readers for this issue. Fitzroy leading his team of “social media killers” after a new mutant comes off disturbing and troubling. The Upstarts are playing off the fears of the public by trying to justify their killings.

Cyclops answers the call but there is still lingering friction on the team. In this new post Krakoa landscape, the X-Men still feel like they’re trying to find their way. The banter between Beast and Cyclops is prime example.

That said, the breakout character here is Magik. MacKay puts her in the spotlight as mission leader. Seeing the plan executed to perfection will give readers much to cheer about. The ending half comes off with a few more surprises.


With defeat, The Upstarts spin it much to the social media angle they play. Seeing the mastermind behind Fitzroy is a great reveal of X-Past. Once at the conclusion, the story becomes full circle. It all too fitting as Magik’s resolution becomes all too clear.

Diaz steps in for art duties with Parsons and Garcia along for the ride. Fitzroy’s stream comes off as psychotic as it needs to be. The reactions from Cyclops and Beast usher in the building tension surfacing as of late. It works to cast the spotlight on Magik as she runs into action.

The team gets a near full page panel jumping into action. It carries many traditional superhero themes that is always a plus. Juggernaut’s panels of action feel bold to match the intense dialogue he is saying. Events conclude with a full page image of the surprise villain. It rolls into a more quiet moment as Magik reflects on what happens and what is coming for her as being a fighter for Mutantkind.


Magik takes the reigns of the team in a highly contested faceoff with Fiztroy. MacKay’s writing gives a close look to the twisted social temp of mutants and humans with the writing. Diaz jumps in bring electric art to a battle that is far from over. This feels like the start of something bigger for both the X-Men and humans as the events rage onward.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on X-Men #4. Thanks for reading.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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