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ROOK EXODUS #5 – To move forward you have to face your past


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Creative Team

Creators: Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok; Colorist: Brad Anderson; Letterer: Rob Leigh; Cover Artists: Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson; Editor-in-Chief: Brian Cunningham; Designer: Steve Blackwell.

ROOK Exodus by Image Comics

From the world of Ghost Machine, the story of ROOK EXODUS continues. After humanity destroyed Earth, many were given a second chance on planet Exodus. A planet where humans control nature, and helmets allow you to sync up to animals. Sadly, this second chance failed. Exodus has turned from an idea of salvation, to another place where survival is a daily struggle.

In issue 4, Rook avenged his best friend, and was attempting to save so many innocents from Ursaw. However, last we saw him it looked as if he had been completely defeated. Helmetless, vulnerable, and in the grips of Ursaw himself, and literally tossed away.

Check out another Hops Geek News joint review from another Ghost Machine comic: Redcoat.

Rook Exodus Cover #5 by Image Comics.
Rook Exodus #5. All images by Image Comics.

The Story for Issue 5

Matt: This issue allowed us as readers to step back and take a breath while connecting us with Rook and the animals that inhabit the planet more. Rook must fight with his past on his hero’s journey, but it comes in the form of a familiar friend, showing how much loss has impacted him and still continues to. This issue flips things on its head a bit and makes the clever choice to show that Rook has misunderstood his abilities through the helmet all along. Johns takes us beyond the helmet and closer to both Rook and the birds, finally combining them as one in this fiery issue.

Lauren: Issues 1 through 4 were a lot of action, and moving the story forward. Issue 5, however, took a step back. At the brink of death Rook is faced with the inevitable fight or flight question. His goal has been to leave Exodus, to escape. As he looks at his past and the decisions he’s made, he’s beginning to question that. At his most vulnerable, he seems to be embracing his biggest strength.

The Art

Matt: Fabok leans into the surrounding elements in this issue as, primarily, we are faced with devastating fires rampaging through the woods. However, he brings the story full circle as we delve into Rook’s past, showing us that this is not a new peril for him. We are offered a glimpse into his past, and Fabok does a wonderous job crafting Earth and Exodus, melting these two worlds together despite how fundamentally different they may be. The sequence where Rook officially accepts the birds into his life is a beautiful scene as he takes both the metaphorical and literal leap off the cliff, giving himself to fate and tying him into the creatures he has become bonded with.

Leigh continues to hammer home the story through his lettering, crafting a mature voice for Pumba. Anderson compliments his coloring, showing the vibrant flames both off of the water and in Rooks’s eyes.

Lauren: In a world where we’re in a wilderness that was manufactured by man we get such amazing nature and technology details. This issue in particular seemed to take it up a notch. With the glow of fire in so many scenes, and the expressions of the animals that Rook is facing, it all worked so well together. The art in this issue is beautiful and detailed that it sucks you right into the story.

Rook Exodus #5 Variant Cover. All images by Image Comics.
Rook Exodus #5 Variant Cover. All images by Image Comics.

ROOK EXODUS #5 Rating 9.5/10

Matt: Rook Exodus #5 brings us beyond the action and the adventure and into the mind of our main character, who is at a crossroads in his journey. This is a turning point, and we are left with a choice: what choice will our hero make? It’s full of heart-pounding moments and emotions that go beyond fighting and force Rook to face his past. Overall, this issue is a 9.5/10.

Lauren: I would give issue 5 a 9.5/10. ROOK EXODUS issue 5, was a a turning point in Rook’s story. He’s been simply surviving for so long, he doesn’t seem to have taken the time to truly evaluate what he should be doing. The way this story had Rook face his past, was so unique. If we’re constantly running from the past, we’ll never actually move forward.

Overall, ROOK EXODUS #5 is full of action, explosions, a talking “pig,” some self realizations, and more. The world of Ghost Machine, just keeps knocking it out of the park, and Rook’s story is no different.

Lauren & Matt make up the podcast, Hops GEEK News. The drop a podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Check out their coverage of the Ghost Machine panel at Megacon Orlando this past year.

Ghost Machine Panel at Megacon Orlando 2024
Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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