
Hello Darkness #2 – Clowns, Werewolves, and Vampires, Oh My!

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What’s Up Horror Comic Fans!? Rich from the NI Bullpen back to review yet another Horror Comic. This time we are revisiting BOOM! Studios Horror Anthology series, Hello Darkness for its second issue.

Let’s break out our garlic necklaces, silver bullets, and transistor radios for this terrifying ride.

Credit: BOOM! Studios

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Is It a Dream or a Nightmare

Hello Darkness #2 gives us 4 more horror short stories and a continuation of a tale that started in issue one. Every story has a different look and feel with a different creative unit behind each story. Let’s go over each story individually.

The Clown

The Clown is the first story up. This story and art are brought to you by Azam Raharjo, with editing by Caroline Butler. This story is about a mother who comes across an ad for a clown on the bulletin board at her apartment building. She calls the number to which the voice gives her son’s name and birthday. Later at her son’s birthday the clown shows up. Well, what could go wrong with that?

This story is creepy, with an insane twist ending. The panels are in black & white with the art style of old Disney cartoons, adding to the creepy factor. This story is not for the faint of heart.


Next up is Stargazers by Frederik Hornung and edited by Caroline Butler. This story opens at a lover’s lane at night. Sarah and Hal met on the internet, and they both say they’ve never met up with someone online before. Hal loves talking about horror movies, while Sarah is starving and housing a pizza. Hal feels like it’s time for him to get a little late-night snack, but he’s not the only beast that needs feeding.

Stargazers reminds me of the comic style I grew up reading when I was a young boy. It’s got an older feel but packs a serious bite. The story is very innocent, but the surprise turn catches you out of nowhere.

Apocalypse In Slow Motion

Apocalypse In Slow Motion is next and it’s created by Wes Craig with editing by Bryce Carlson. This is the story of a world where Mother Earth is dying. The people take it on themselves to punish the “pigs” who have hurt the planet. In the process the realization is that no one is innocent.

The art for this story has a lot going on. It has basic colors, but the details and everything going on is busy. The story can be a little confusing with the run on sentences and bubbles that overlap. But that gives this story a unique feeling and works out overall

I Can’t Take You Anywhere

Robert Hack is back in this issue with his one page, two panel pallet cleanser. Once again like issue one, they are in the style of a 2-sentence horror story with a very simplistic art style. These are fun and a great way to pace out the book.

The War: Part Two

In the final spot is The War: Part Two, which is the continuation from issue one. This story is written by Garth Ennis, art by Becky Cloonan, colors by Tamara Bonvillain, letters by Pat Brosseau, and edited by Byrce Carlson.

Picking up from where Part One left off. London has been destroyed in a nuclear attack. The group of friends in NYC is having anxiety about staying in place or running to hide. Each set has their own ways of coping or not coping. Will the World War kickoff dooming them all or will this all blow over?

The War: Part Two builds on the cliffhanger Part One left on. This section of the story really delves into the psychological drama in the group. Everyone seems to have a plan, but no one has a plan at the same time. The tension has built up well and I for one can’t wait to see the next part of the story.

Want More Horror Anthologies?

Final Thoughts

Hello Darkness #2 built on the great start that issue one set up. Each story was different and gave you a different horror style. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite books to read every month.

Final Grade: 9/10

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