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PHOENIX #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo, David Curiel and Cory Petit (Marvel Entertainment)


In the ashes of Krakoa’s fall, one person has taken their mission of fighting the good fight into the cosmos. JEAN GREY and the PHOENIX are once again reunited. The cosmic force that ends shockwaves with every move has made an immediate impact. It did not come without a dangerous cost.

While dealing with a black hole, a prison was destroyed. Perrikus escaped in the process. Things have become more complicated as her father-in-law Corsair has arrived on the scene. How will Jean handle the challenges she faces while her space pirate father-in-law is waiting in the wings?

PHOENIX #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo, David Curiel and Cory Petit raises the stakes in deep space!

Jean Grey’s adventures + Stephanie Phillips writing warrants big attention from the Nerd Initiative Bullpen, so this will be a joint review with Ken (Nerd Initiative Comics EIC) and Megan (from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast)!



KEN: Phillips continues to test the patience and will of Grey with the latest chapter. adding in Corsair into the mix works on many levels. There is a well placed humor moment in between the drama that hits the mark. The Scott/Jean “convos” are quickly becoming a highlight of each issue. Their latest plays off the awkward moment before speeding back into action. Once the mission picks back up, the pacing kicks everything into overdrive.

Corsair’s involvement brings forth an unlikely threat behind the conflict. Phillips swings for the fences with this reveal. It sets up some great action moments. Grey is also shown to be out of her element in certain aspects. Her mis-step leads into the closing moments which are sure to have readers talking. Cosmic Marvel is back in a big way with this series!


MEGAN: This was such a fun continuation of Stephanie Phillips’ Phoenix run! I really like the fact that it’s continued to be narrated by Adani rather than Jean herself. It’s like we’re getting an outside perspective while seeing up close what Jean is going through being a hero who’s looked at as a villain. Of course, she’s chosen the wrong path before but seeing her take on the role as the universe’s defender has been superb.

Seeing Corsair and Jean work together was an unexpected surprise. I really like how amalgamated Scott is in this Phoenix run. It makes it feel like Jean is still grounded to her life with Scott while living a larger than life role. Phoenix #2 was very compelling on all counts including Adani’s story. I’m really interested to see where that goes with Perrikus.


KEN: The art sets up big action behind the family drama. The opening page clues readers in on Jean’s rampant pace of fighting. Corsair is given a full page image to welcome him into the story. Their interactions range from funny to uneasy. The art reflects this with the detailed facial expressions.

The latter half of the book is filled with blockbuster action. Jean is presented as defiant in danger’s face. The reactions of the aliens she’s fighting to save are noteworthy as well. Readers see the fear Jean’s action cause even when trying to help. With a strong closing image, the latest chapter sets the stage for an even bigger battle to come.

MEGAN: With the beautiful and bright colors in Phoenix #2, it gives you a Guardians of the Galaxy or a Thor kind of vibe. The comic displays such a great juxtaposition of the bright blues with the bright fiery orange look of Phoenix. It’s a feast for the eyes throughout the entire comic and I was more than pleased with it.


KEN: 9. Jean Grey’s reign in space continues with another strong chapter. Phillips’ writing crafts a balance of big action and tense emotions. The art captures the best of space while bringing the heat with the intense combat in deep space. There’s no sophomore slump here. You definitely don’t want to miss out on this escapade.


MEGAN: 10!!!! I never considered myself a huge Phoenix fan but this run might change me. Stephanie Phillips made this a very intriguing comic with the different characters additions, old and new. Phoenix #2 was very compelling in getting a personal look at Jean as the universe’s defender as well as a woman who misses her husband. This comic made me so excited to read what happens next as it keeps you guessing throughout the read.

This article was written by me, Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Phoenix #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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