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WEREWOLF BY NIGHT #1 by Jason Loo (The All-Nighter, the Sentry), Sergio Fernández Dávila (Venom, Thor), Jay Leisten, JP Mayer, Craig Yeung, Alex Sinclair and Joe Sabino (Marvel Comics) – Cover: E.M. GIST)


After the events of Marvel’s “Bloodiest Event”, the 52 year old supernatural staple is set to take things up a few notches. Anyone thinking this will be just “another werewolf” story is sadly mistaken. The adventures of Russell (and Elsa Bloodstone) will be featured under the Marvel Red Band format. Considering how violent “Blood Hunt” was, it is anyone’s guess where things are heading now.

No need for any silver bullets here. There is an incredible creative team in place steering the chaos into creative gold.

WEREWOLF BY NIGHT #1 by Jason Loo (The All-Nighter, the Sentry), Sergio Fernández Dávila (Venom, Thor), Jay Leisten, JP Mayer, Craig Yeung, Alex Sinclair and Joe Sabino have fans howling at the bloody adventures!

This books has had the N.I. Bullpen buzzing since its’ announcement. On the call for this review is the dynamic duo of drafts and dialogue: Matt and Lauren (N.I. comics Editors/ Hops Geek News) and yours truly (Ken- N.I. Editor-In-Chief/ODPH podcast). Lets see how the frenzy begins! ***POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING ***


LAUREN: This story kicks off with a current day villain: an influencer trespassing on Jack’s home (by the way, make sure to like and subscribe everywhere you see Nerd Initiative). With vampires running amuck across the Marvel universe this summer, Jack is just trying to live a life of peace. While he may have a heart of gold, he’s also cursed with an affliction that’s notoriously known to make one crave human hearts. We all have good and bad in us. Jack’s just seems to have extremes on each side. As we quickly get caught up on Jack Russel’s past, we learn he may not have things as under control as he used to. Meanwhile, an even bigger problem is brewing.

Throughout this comic the story covers a lot in a small time, yet it all flowed and connected beautifully while also integrating so many past stories. In the end we’re left with mystery and anticipation. As well as a very large and hairy, seemingly out of control Werewolf by Night. 


I was already in the second I saw the team assembled to helm this story, but I was surprised to find out the amount of rich backstory Loo gave us while interweaving a new mystery with Russell. Giving us flashes of a bigger story to be told with The Hood and Deathwatch up to no good has this first issue set the stage for bigger things. Bringing Elsa into the fold was another excellent surprise, and tying their friendship together left me dying for more right away.


KEN: With Loo at the helm, I already had high expectations for this series. Taking a character like Russell (with his history) and putting more mystery behind him was a great start. It gave enough insight for new readers to jump in quickly. However, the hook that won me over was the introduction of the rogues: Death Watch (the 90’s Ghost rider fans know what he’s capable of) AND the Hood?! Seeing those two weave behind the scenes can only lead to trouble for any lead. It provides a solid back drop for the internal conflict post Blood Hunt.

Russell’s struggles with the beast within is well known. Adding in a new dynamic to it plays for a fresh start. Long time fans won’t be disappointed with the changes. There’s a fair share of wolf business that’s par for the course. Seeing both plots interweave gives readers much to look forward too. The eventual payoff should be quite the memorable moment. Great start to the series.


LAUREN: From a terrified influencer, to a beautiful shot of the Werewolf by Night taking a howl at the moon, there is some amazing art to be enjoyed in this comic. The art throughout was detailed, beautiful, and gruesome. In the world of comics the art has to say as much as the writing, and the expressions on everyone’s faces perfectly set the tone of each scene. Werewolf by Night is everything you’d want from a Marvel horror comic.


There are many eye-popping panels within the pages of this ass-kicking first issue. For fans who were worried Marvel might hold back, fear not; this issue is as bloody as a story about a Werewolf, no matter how good or bad it should be. Amongst the action is beautifully crafted scenery that presents moments of serenity in our gruesome tale. This is the perfect blend of action and horror and everything I have wanted in a Werewolf by Night story.

KEN: Dávila and the team bring out the best of the beast throughout the chapter. There’s an excellent two page splash showing off Russell’s unique set of skills. This is complimented with another big splash connecting the story to “Blood Hunt”. Russell’s reaction is gifted a full page image that sets the course for the rest of the story.

When referenced about the “Red Band”, the art clearly reflects the savage nature of Russell’s world. Two victims of an attack are presented to readers without apologies. Speaking of no apologies, both major rogues make a dramatic entrance into the story with blown up images. Their bloody actions speak volumes to the readers. It caps off with a solid final image that sets the tone for an even greater saga to be told.


LAUREN: 9/10 Whether you’re a longtime fan of Jack Russel, only watched the Disney+ special, or have never heard of him, this is the perfect time to pick up a Werewolf by Night comic. There are so many other stories that connect to this one (as is true with many comics), however, you never feel lost or confused. You’re caught up on everything that is happening. Well at least everything the reader should know at this point. With spooky season upon us, this is a fantastic comic to get you in the Marvel and Halloween feels. 

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

MATT: 9/10 There are many iterations of this beloved character, and it can be difficult to do it justice as well as deliver fresh content. However, the pages are full of bloody sequences and the ending leaves your head spinning as you attempt to digest what went down. Loo, Davila, and the whole team kicked off this run right away, and I cannot wait to see what is next!

This has been a review by Matt of Hopsgeeknews! For more reviews and a link to his podcast that discusses comics, movies, and TV shows check out

KEN: 8.8. In dealing with such a well-known character with history, it can be a challenge to present something new. Loo sets up a fantastic starting point that covers much ground before concluding. The art team led by Davila flood the pages with brutal scenarios and an ever-growing sense of intrigue. With a great jumping on point, this one will be a tale you won’t want to miss where it leads next.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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