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Sensational SHE-HULK #10 – Can a Sensational Girl have it all?


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The Sensational She-Hulk #10 cover by Andrés Genolet & Edgar Delgado from Marvel Comics.

A Sensational finale (for now) to Rainbow Rowell’s run.

Issue #10 finds Jen at a crossroads of sorts, she was officially invited to re-join the Avengers’ roster by the Chairman herself; Carol Danvers aka Captan Marvel. When I say officially invited, I mean they rolled out the red carpet, gave her a full tour, her own quarters and a brand new stylized outfit to fight crime and look amazing while doing it.

*** Possible Spoiler Warning ***

She’s been runing with the Avengers without officially accepting their invitation. Kind of like a trial run if you will.

Jennifer is frustrated, you could say, with how her proffesional and personal life were going right up until this isssue. She has a terrible boss at her law firm, in fact Mallory Book suspended Jennifer for 2 weeks because they can’t see eye to eye in many things.

While suspended, she went on a love vacation with her boyfriend Jack of Hearts, also a customed hero, and that getaway wasn’t pleasant at all. They ran into Jack’s ex girlfriend Ganymede at the resort, who claimed ownership of Jack on sight.


You can imagine the drama that ensued. Karkas and Ransak the Reject, clients of She-Hulk who were evicted under unfair circumstances (according to Ransak at least). Since Jennifer was suspended and was not allowed to represent them legally, she invited them to stay at her place while she could figure out how to best help them. If you’ve had people crashed your couch without a plan, you know Jen’s act was one of true heroics. Who else welcomes acquaintances into their home like that? A hero that’s who!

When she was offered a chance to walk away and leave it all behind, she took it, right? Not so fast! You see, that boyfriend of hers she loves so much, the Jack of Hearts, used to be an Avenger many years ago. He had died a hero when he sacrificed himself to save Ant-Man and his daughter (Avengers #76 2004).

He reappeared as a unanimated corpse at the Avengers Mansion and blew himself up, taking the mansion and Ant-Man with him (it wasn’t his fault, check Avengers Disassembled). Now he’s been back since the previous She-Hulk run, and they been a couple just enjoying each other as much as they could but there was always that dark cloud of questions: how is Jack alive? And the most dreaded one: what will the avengers do when they see Jack of Hearts?


That’s a long winded reap I admit. However, that’s exactly what She-Hulk’s mind has to juggle entering this final episode. Issue 10 has Jennifer wearing many hats at once; lawer, avenger, girlfriend, punch club member and friend. She’s worried somethings and some people are being left behind no matter what decision she makes.

If she becomes a full-time Avenger, she will miss her weekly “Eat Cake and wear fancy Dress” dates with her friend Patsy Walker. She might not see her boyfriend as often as she’d like for fear of Tony Stark and the others poking Jack too much. Also, no less important, she could lose her practice as a lawyer, something which loves to do. If you ask me, Jennifer Walters aka the Sensational She-Hulk deserves to have it all. But the question is, can she? I guess you’ll have to read this issue to find out.

How About The Art?

The artwork in this series has been exceptional. This issue is no different. You have the action scenes well detailed and fluid while at the same time there’s moments charged with a lot of judgement, for example (Talking about you Tony Stark), and the tone of the writing perfectly matches the emotions portrayed in the art.

The color palette is very vibrant and bright, which goes well particularly with the humorous moments. All these praises and more to Andrés Genolet who did the pencils, Dee Cunniffe the colorist and Joe Caramagna who did the letters. Rainbow Rowell has managed to built a new fandom for She-Hulk mostly based on slice of life melodrama writing, who would’ve thought making superheroes relatable could be this entertaining?

10 out of 10

Here’s an idea for Marvel Comics; Rainbow Rowell already wrote a “She-Hulk” and a ‘Sensational She-Hulk” titles, why not have her write a “Savage She-Hulk” series to complete the trilogy? Just an idea.

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