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Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time #1


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What’s Up Comic Fans!? Rich, back to bring you another horror comic review. This time it’s a new series from Dark Horse Comics, Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time.

Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time #1 is written by Cullen Bunn, art by Andrea Mutti, colors by Valerio Alloro, letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and cover art by Rafael Albuquerque.

Let’s investigate what this book is about.

Credit: Dark Horse Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

“I’d Like to Hire You to Help Me Find Her.”

Arkham Horror: The Terror at the End of Time opens with us meeting sisters Guinivere (Jenny) and Izzie. They are at a party, and it appears to be the early 1900’s. We soon find out this is just a flashback as Jenny is talking to a Private Investigator named Joe. It seems Izzie has gone missing and Jenny needs help finding her.

The problem is the way Izzie went missing involves a cult that is led by Abigail Olmstead. Even though the story sounds fantastical, Joe tells Jenny he will help her. As they start to search for Izzie they go to increasingly creeper places. Until finally they end up in an old church, and that’s where the truly strange events start to unfold.

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“We’re Not Alone”

The writing for this book is top tier. Cullen Bunn introduces a world that you want to know more about. Following the story is easy. Just when you get used to a mystery story, it takes a twist and leads you down a path to horror.

As awesome of a story that Cullen Bunn paints with words, Andrea Mutti somehow surpasses it with the art. The art in this book is fantastic and gives you that gothic feel. The colors by Valerio Alloro match up perfectly to complete the triple threat of awesomeness.

Final Thoughts

For a first issue, this book gives you enough to know what’s going on but holds enough back to keep you wanting more. It’s as strong of a #1 issue as one can have, and I look forward to future issues as this story goes forward. When the only negative that I can think of is that future issues have big shoes to fill, that’s a good problem to have.

Final Grade: 9/10

For more of my content, make sure to check out 3fnpodcast.com and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans! 

Richard Coryell
Richard Coryellhttp://3fnpodcast.com
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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