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MJF and Kurt Angle: A Rare Discussion on “What If”


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I know, “this guy doesn’t write about wrestling, he’s a comics guy!” Well my interests stretch far and wide and in that spectrum is professional wrestling. While attending GalaxyCon Raleigh, I decided to take a seat for one of my all time favorites, a panel with Kurt Angle. I knew I was in for some awesome stories but I did not know that we were being gifted with the presence of one of the hottest performers in the industry today, MJF. What proceeded was an entertaining and raw discussion between MJF and Kurt Angle.

Check out my GalaxyCon Preview here!

MJF and Kurt Angle answer questions for panelists.
GalaxyCon Raleigh Panel with Kurt Angle and MJF. Courtesy of GalaxyCon and Mickey Smith at Nerd Initiative.

This was a fascinating discussion between one of the all time greats and one on the express line to achieving that same title. Kurt Angle regaled us with tales from behind stage and did his best to navigate the questions of brand crossovers. Both MJF and Kurt Angle agreed that to mix it up in such a way would water down the product, providing only a short term boost.

Who Would MJF and Kurt Angle Wrestle Today?

Some of the best content from the panel came from audience questions. One such question provoked a great answer from the two panelists about who they would want to wrestle today if given the opportunity. MJF spoke about a lot of his dream matches already taking place, such as Chris Jericho and C.M. Punk. He did have an answer fro the future though, and that was Swerve Strickland, saying it would be “A hell of a battle”. He then added that he would beat him in “I don’t know, probably 3 seconds”.

Kurt Angle followed with high praise for MJF and regrets that they never got the chance to put on a match. It was clear that Kurt believes strongly in MJF. Angle’s praises were the only instances in which MJF would almost break character, as he would return the admiration for Kurt.

What Would Kurt Angle Have Done Differently?

The panel ended with Kurt Angle speaking on his battle with pain killers and alcohol. He claimed that if he could do anything over again it would be to not take that first pain killer. He got real honest and raw with the crowd and it grew into a beautiful moment as everyone applauded for him. Even MJF praised him for his openness and said that Angle should be proud that he’s clean and healthy now.

Pro Wrestling Rules at GalaxyCon and Nerd Initiative!

GalaxyCon is always a great place to catch up with some of your favorite wrestlers, whether it be from days gone by, or the superstars in their prime! On top of Kurt Angle and MJF they had The Hardy Boys, Devon Dudley, Nic Nemeth, Arn Anderson, and many more! If you want to get in on the action and attend these kind of amazing conversations between pro wrestlers, get your tickets to GalaxyCon Raleigh on sale now! Also be sure to stop by Wrestling Night Live every Thursday for the best pro wrestling content in the world!

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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