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Amazing Spider-Man #51 – The Sinister Six to the Rescue?!


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Last month, we got the Spidey shock of our lives, as Norman is back in classic form as the Green Goblin, but had an extra trick up his sleeve – turning Peter into the Spider-Goblin.

But we also saw the Living Brain transform in order to save Peter from himself and from Norman.

How the Tables Have Turned

We then see our old pals the Sinister Six planning their revenge on the Living Brain, but also on Norman.

But they are in for more than they bargained for as Norman has sent Spidey-Goblin in to finally exterminate them all.

I gotta say, as we see Spidey destroy Doc Ock without any trouble, the art of Spider-Goblin is pretty haunting stuff. But I digress.

Peter continues to trounce the Six, equipped with new gadgets and no desire at all to hold back.

Just as he’s about to kill Sandman, some familiar faces step in to help.

This Should be Good

Captain America, Wolverine, Dr Strange and more try to stop this madness by reasoning with the new Goblin.

But something is off.

Yep, it’s not the Avengers but Mysterio utilizing his powers of deception.

Peter then goes all Joker on Mysterio, taking a piece of metal pipe to him repeatedly in efforts to kill the villain, but Kraven steps in and does his best to free Peter once again.

Credit: Marvel Ent

But this time, nothing.

Yet again, as he’s ready to kill Kraven (see a pattern forming here), Ben Reilly interjects and says he knows what’s happened to Peter.

And if things aren’t already weird enough, Chasm wants to save Peter!?


As the Living Brain continues his mission to save Peter, he leads Dr. Connors and J Jonah Jameson of all people, who is hanging out with Doc Ock’s old arms.

It seems as if this 180 twist of a comic is bringing all of Spidey’s old foes together to save him from being a villain.

It’s pretty poetic if you think about it.

Final Thoughts – 8/10

I don’t hate it. This is a very interesting twist and something I’m excited to follow down the Goblin hole!

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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