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BLOOD HUNT #1 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit (Credit: Marvel Entertainment)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, Marvel Entertainment is about to unleash Hell On Earth. Touted as “The Bloodiest Marvel Event EVER”, the crossover event of 2024 has set the benchmark extremely high. It has been teased since last NYCC in October of 2023. What is the dark threat looming in the real MCU? Can it live up to expectations?

BLOOD HUNT #1 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit seeks out to answer all those questions and more in its’ debut chapter.

Let’s get ready to dive in and see if the hype is real.


The saga begins with a few notable Marvel characters infused with the Darkforce. There is a countdown to “Sundeath” ticking away as readers watch the panels unfold. Events get graphic as a reveal is provided. The Sun has been killed. A voice narrates the shocking end. This has been someone’s plan all along….

Meanwhile, time shifts back fifteen minutes earlier to the SunDeath. Scarlet Witch is flying over a crowd. She sees Blackout. The villain has become ingulfed in dark energy. Iron Man informs her that more Darkforce characters are in the same situation. They have now become portals.

Hunter’s Moon and Tigra are assessing the Shroud becoming a portal. The time is now 25 minutes before SunDeath. As the pair starts piecing things together, they come to a quick conclusion. This is no accident. This is an ambush. A herd of Vampires fill the sky and presses forward towards them.


All over the world, Vampires are unleashing Hell on whoever comes across their paths. Neither Doctor Doom or Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can escape the invasion. There might be one person to make sense of it all: BLADE. Will he be enough to turn the tide?

Readers watch as the heroes come across a group ready to give them challenges. The Bloodcoven has arrived. Who will be left standing at the end of their confrontation?

BLOOD HUNT #1 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit (Credit: Marvel Entertainment) Cover – Peach Momoko

Things get violent and graphic quickly. This leads to some shocking moments. none might be bigger than the closing page. A figure has made a choice. The consequences are deadly. Readers need to brace for impact as the event has already made some statements and it only just started.

MacKay keeps fans guessing with the backwards working of the timeline in this chapter. The Sundeath countdown proves to be an effective plot point as the MCU crumbles. Seeing how the Avengers struggle right from the start speaks volumes of the threat.

The Bloodcoven is an eye-catching group. Their fury knows no bounds. Once they arrive, pacing speeds up to give the shocking fallout. MacKay doesn’t hold back on huge moments. The issue has much for fans to discuss. none might be greater than the final page. It is a bold ending to a very capturing story.

Larraz and Garcia unload the violence in the first salvo. The vampires are as ruthless as one would expect. They get a full page reveal as Hunter’s Moon and Tigra watch in fear . The imagery shows how even Doctor Doom needs to pause and adapt to their onslaught.

The brawl between the Avengers and The Bloodcoven leaves little on the cutting room floor. Following the full page reveal, graphic attacks are what fills the pages. It is intense fighting. Readers will have little time to process what they’ve seen as the final act unfolds. The closing full page will send shockwaves as the moment crushes fans before ending events for now.


Marvel’s big crossover leaps heavy into violence and mystery with its’ debut chapter. MacKay guess readers on edge with fantastic storytelling. The art by Larraz, Garcia and Petit brings a distinct horror feel to the Marvel Universe. Brace yourself for some big events. This won’t be for the tame of heart as time goes on.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on BLOOD HUNT #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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