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TMNT: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution- The New Era Begins


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution Cover Creative Team- Tom Waltz(writer). Kevin Eastman(writer). Ben Bishop(artist). Esau Escorza(artist). Isaac Escorza(artist). Luis Antonio Delgado(colorist). Shawn Lee(Letterer)
Publisher- IDW Publishing (COVER: Esau Escorza)

Creative Team:

Tom Waltz (writer), Kevin Eastman (writer),

Ben Bishop (artist), Esau Escorza(artist), Isaac Escorza(artist),

Luis Antonio Delgado(colorist),

Shawn Lee (Letterer)

Publisher- IDW Publishing

Last we left New York in the Ronin-verse, the turtle, the myth, the legend himself, Mikey had defeating the Foot Clan during the ongoing war. The Last Ronin himself paid the ultimate sacrifice to complete the Hiroto bloodline, and avenging his fallen family members which includes his brothers, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and of course his father and sensei, Master Splinter.

At the end of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin 005, we saw April and her daughter, Casey Marie, mourning their dear mutant friend. We also saw April finally admitting to Casey that she has more in common with Mikey than she thought, as Casey also has the mutagen.

Casey always knew she was different but she now knows just how different. Speaking of turtles, we see a glimpse of the new era of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Four baby turtles who were awaiting their turns to train in the art of Ninjutsu.

The New Era Begins

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution Creative Team- Tom Waltz(writer). Kevin Eastman(writer). Ben Bishop(artist). Esau Escorza(artist). Isaac Escorza(artist). Luis Antonio Delgado(colorist). Shawn Lee(Letterer)
Publisher- IDW Publishing (COVER: Stan Sakai)

It’s been 15 years since Mikey fulfilled his destiny and ended the war between his family and Oroku Hiroto, and New York finds itself in a state of emergency.

We start with Casey Marie, as badass as ever and clearly putting the teachings of her fallen sensei to good use. Casey is still out here fighting the good fight, attack after attack, year after year. The mental and physical toll shows on Casey and her team.

There’s a sense of hopelessness rearing its ugly head while the team tries to keep their motivation of being the good guys and pursuing their duties. Casey’s team needs a change in direction but she stays strong in her direction she wants to take.


She doesn’t want senseless killing, but wants to extract information from the hoodlums. I find her point understandable but after 15 years, something’s gotta give, girl.

Moving on to that “new era” I mentioned before, we meet the new team of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We are introduced to Uno, Moja, Yi, and Odyn and their very own secret lair. The readers get to see just how important their history is to the new turtles.

Every time they visit their new lair, they tell the story of the war between the Foot Clan and the heroic acts of Master Michelangelo. I won’t lie to you, it did my heart good to see the new kids on the block refer to him as Master Michelangelo.

Interestingly enough, it’s also mentioned that the new ninja turtles have telepathy. I didn’t know until now but the TMNT having superpowers is what I’ve wanted my whole entire life.

While they have their incredible fighting skills and their mutant abilities, telepathy is an absolute game changer.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution Creative Team- Tom Waltz(writer). Kevin Eastman(writer). Ben Bishop(artist). Esau Escorza(artist). Isaac Escorza(artist). Luis Antonio Delgado(colorist). Shawn Lee(Letterer)
Publisher- IDW Publishing (COVER: Kevin Eastman)

As per the usual TMNT antics, our new heroes snuck out to have a hang sesh at their secret lair, and they race home before April and Casey find out they snuck out.

Of course, when they return home, the jig is up. But, to their surprise, Casey and April are just too exhausted to administer any punishments.


Instead, they gather to watch Amanda Rose Konnor reporting the evening news. The news consists of a press conference hosted by the mayor and police chief where they somewhat address the rising crime rates in the city.

Frustration is felt all around at the lack of answers they’re given.

Once the news is over, and just before it was time for dinner, Casey gets an emergency call. It’s Commander Zaragoza with unsettling news that the main food bank and urgent care base are under attack and he just doesn’t have the manpower to fight back.

Casey knows what must be done and to the excitement of the Ninja Turtles, she tells them to suit up. This is what they’ve been training for.

Once they get to the urgent care base and food bank, they see exactly the mess they’re dealing with. Casey jumps into action like the professional she is while the turtles stare in awe at her skills. Once the shock is over, it’s their time to shine. To put it in blunt terms, they’re kicking asses and taking names.

Their forefather turtles would be proud. Everything is going well until something happens, something strange. All we see is Odyn is hit on top of the head and we’re left on a wild cliffhanger of Moja saying “It’s like.. It’s like he’s frozen solid”.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution Creative Team- Tom Waltz(writer). Kevin Eastman(writer). Ben Bishop(artist). Esau Escorza(artist). Isaac Escorza(artist). Luis Antonio Delgado(colorist). Shawn Lee(Letterer)
Publisher- IDW Publishing cover: Luis Antonio Delgado

One Heck of a First Issue

I didn’t know what I’d think when I started reading but I definitely was obsessed by the first page. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution has me so excited for what’s to come.

I loved seeing April and Casey Marie still fighting the good fight and doing all they can for the greater good, while parenting four mutant turtles.

The turtles themselves has the same loving and excited vibe as the turtles who came before them. Personally, I think Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael would be really proud of them.

I would absolutely recommend giving this comic book a read if you’re a fan of the Ninja Turtles. Even if you’re not a fan, I’m willing to bet you’d enjoy this one!



Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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