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The Spectacular Spider-Men #1 – Reunited and It Feels So Good


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I know a lot of people are excited, and for good reason, about the Deadpool and Wolverine’s buddy cop adventure hitting theaters later this year in Deadpool 3, but something just as special is happening in the pages of Marvel Comics.

Peter Parker and Miles Morales are at it again as our favorite Spider-Man mentor teams up with the hip, young Morales to show the world what two dynamic Spider-Men can do.

Humberto Ramos and Edgar Delgado are also at it again, as the art action leap off the pages from the jump. These two have been working together for quite some time and it shows.

Much like John Romita JR and Scott Hanna, Ramos and Delgado are truly a dynamic pair of artists.

The opening splash features Miles giving Peter some grief over the fact that they were just supposed to be hanging out as friends, not superheroes.

But when a Jackal like villain (except all Hulked out) interrupts their coffee date, the duo spring into action.

Jokes, Jokes and More Jokes

Greg Weisman also has quite the knack for the back and forth dialogue and jokes that are classic Spider-Men.

It takes a very special writer to tackle the world’s greatest superhero. Weisman clearly has that gift.

The generational jokes also add to a solid opening book that appeals to comic readers in their teens, 20’s, 30’s and even 40’s and beyond.

Credit: Marvel Ent

The book clocks in at 33 pages in all, but moves incredibly fast, with a TON of action and intrigue.

The scene switching between current events and those of the past is also not jarring at all and really seems to set the scene for later issues.

A couple of scenes feel out of place by design and I’m sure we’ll learn more as the issues progress.

Back to the action at hand. From pages 26 to 30, Ramos once again is able to show and tell an incredible climax in the battle with this version of the Jackal with little to know dialogue and just incredibly detailed and poetic art.

The issue ends with a very intriguing cliffhanger(s) that leaves you dying to know what’s going on here!

Final Thoughts – 8.5/10

Not too much to say, just a fun, easy read for all comic fans, especially those who love Peter and Miles together.

There is absolutely no slow buildup here, as the action is a 100 out of 100 right out of the gate.

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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