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Rise of the Powers of X #2 battles onward


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Rise of the Powers of X #2 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Marvel Entertainment)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, ten years have passed since the initial Fall of X. In that time, there are only a few mutants left fighting to survive. With a small window of change open, Charles Xavier and his remaining team takes one last shot. Last issue showed at what lengths Xavier is willing to go to win. Is the rest of his team ready to pay the high cost of victory with him?

Rise of the Powers of X #2 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Marvel Entertainment) looks to answer those questions and then some.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the fate of mutant kind.



Mr. Sinister has always been a problem to the X-Men. In this story, he has become a problem for the entire universe. Ten years in the future, Nathaniel Essex has now ascended on a whole new plain. Essex is Enigma. Xavier failed to stop the rise to power. Left with little options, Xavier seeks to rewrite history.

Rise of the Powers of X #2 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Marvel Entertainment – Cover: Kaare Andrews)

The plan is simple on paper: Kill Moira McTaggert before she realizes she’s a mutant. With her powers never manifesting, the Krakoan Era never is born. It’s a desperate plan, but so are the times they live in.

This chapter begins Enigma narrating the pasts of notable key players in Mutant kind. A Young Moira. Jean Grey. Cyclops. Xavier himself. Enigma knows what they all mean to his endgame. Xavier’s moves have peaked Enigma’s interests.

Stationed on No-Place X, Xavier holds court to Rachel Summers, Rasputin IV and Cypher. Xavier lets it known that his plan is the only option left. Listening in to the conversation is a captured Mother Righteous. One of the Essex clones, Righteous shrugs off the attempts to save. Xavier answers in kind and never responds.

Readers sit back as Xavier senses the pressure of failure. Righteous’ banter with the heroes only fuels Xavier’s plans. Once the talking stops, the moves begin. The action swings into full throttle. The pace never stops until the final pages.

Once the dust settles, fans watch as two major players are set on a collision course. Who will be the last one standing? The parting images of this chapter will definitely have fans talking. Brace for the start of an epic conclusion in the making.

Rise of the Powers of X #2 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Marvel Entertainment – Cover: Logan Lubera)

Gillen leans heavy into Xavier’s desperation. The conversations with Righteous support the extreme levels. Throughout the series, that has been a notable takeaway that continues to grow. There is one great one-liner about “ants and Galactus” that will leave readers caught up in the moment.

The banter with Xavier and Rasputin IV is another strong point to the issue. A conversation takes place that is heart-breaking but reflects the dire times that exist. It’s a contrast to Moira and Nimrod. With the walls caving in, Gillen writes their paranoia splendidly. It’s another key element that balances ut all the big action taking place.

Silva and Curiel present some memorable points in this story. The background narration panels tie in the past and gives a quick refresher into the pages being told. Xavier’s defiance to Righteous boastfulness was an easy connection via their facial reactions.

However, The fight sequences will be the ones most talked about. It’s big action with near-full page imagery. These spectacular visions lead readers right into the final act.

With a near full page panel to close with, the art continues to encompassing the “big event” feel and running with it. This leads to all wins for the readers.


The saga of the X-Men’s final stand strives forward with another excellent issue. With Gillen mixing in some touching drama along with the action, the intensity of Charles Xavier shines through. Silva’s impeccable art raises to new levels which fans won’t be able to get enough of. You won’t want to miss this one!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know you thoughts on Rose Of The Powers of X #2. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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