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Rise of the Powers of X #1 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Credit: marvel Entertainment)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this edition, the Krakoan Era’s last stand begins via Marvel Entertainment. As the era started with two series (House of X/Powers of X), it concludes with another pair of stories that will redefine the Mutant age. In the present, the Mutants have to deal with the Fall of the House. As for the future, they need to deal with the Rise of Powers.

Rise of the Powers of X #1 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles sets the stage for the X-Men’s final attempt to stop Nimrod once and for all. Let’s dive in and see what’s happening now.


Ten years in the future, Nimrod and Omega sentinel are standing over a fallen diamond Emma Frost with destruction all around them. With Sentinel’s help, one fate has been avoid. Nimrod is ready to crown victory but Sentinel has other thoughts. With little resistance left, Can the X-Men find another way to win?

Rise of the Powers of X #1 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Credit: marvel Entertainment – Cover: Alexander Lozano)

Meanwhile, Gambit and Mystique are following the plans of Professor X at the Henry Gyrich Memorial Detention Center. Knowing Emma has fallen, the pair play their part.

It’s not without a fan moment that is fitting considering their family history. With a noble sacrifice, both Gambit and Mystique are dead but their mission accomplished.

The information they were sent to get was worth the sacrifices if it means an end to the hell they live in. It has been transferred to Charles Xavier. Professor X is camped out at the broken S.W.O.R.D station in space.

Leading a team comprised of Iron Man (An A.I. Version of Tony Stark), ShadowTiger (Kate Pryde), Captain Krokoa (Kamala Khan) and Wolverine, Xavier sends them to Phobos with a simple mission: Find Mr. Sinister who’s being held there.

With a final launch, the heroes make their way to Phobos. Nimrod and company are in pursuit to intervene. What comes next will challenge fate. It’s fallout transcends back to the present.

With time running out, choices are made and a big revelation of how things could end. The closing moment will have fans talking as the end is finally near.

From the initial page, Gillen establishes the grave stakes involved with no hesitation. Nimrod’s blind assumption of victory plays well with Sentinel’s worry of failure.

Rise of the Powers of X #1 by Kieron Gillen, R.B. Silva, David Curiel, Clayton Cowles (Credit: marvel Entertainment – Cover: Davi Go)

The fighting spirit of the X-Men shines through each scene they’re in. The personal moment with Gambit and Mystique’s final goodbye is perfect for fans that have questioned her feeling about her son-in-law.

The latter portion of the book dives into Xavier’s last play knowing what failure brings. His team of X-Men are aware of the stakes and the writing mirrors their will to win or die. Wolverine has some great lines before leading into a huge moment in the book.

The fallout of the event plays off well as the story transitions back to present time. The ultimate option is a stunning one but shows at what lengths Xavier is willing to descend to for the betterment of Mutant-Kind.

Silva and Curiel construct a hellish environment fitting of Nimrod’s terror. The opening full page makes a big splash as Nimrod stands in the center of the aftermath of his work. The final moments of Gambit and Mystique work to give readers an emotional hit before diving into their final calls.

The Phobos panels and fallout give the issue a heavy aura as the event is that catastrophic if Nimrod wins. there is a great mix of full or near-full page panels that exemplify to gravity of the situation. It’s fallout in present time shows the wear this all has had on the survivors. Knowing what Xavier’s back-up plan is, the closing image is strongly detailed as there is no turning back from what’s next.


The fate of the future lies in the past with a solid start to the end of Mutantkind’s days. With layered writing backed up by spectacular visuals, Xavier leads a desperate attempt to save the world. Will the ends justify the means?

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Rise of The Powers of X #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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