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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #41 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the official comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the streets of New York City continue to be the battleground for Marvel’s criminal underworld. With the “fall” of Tombstone, a power vacuum opened and everyone is trying to claim the territory. In the crossfire: the citizens of NYC. The only defense: Spider-Man and a few of his “amazing” friends. However, the last time readers saw him, a new player entered the game: KINGPIN!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #41 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna picks up where Wilson Fisk’s influence begins to take over. Let’s take a closer look and see how things fare now.



Last issue, Wilson Fisk, Typhoid Mary and an army of Hellfire soldiers confronted the unlikely trio of Spider-Man, She-Hulk and Tombstone. Considering Kingpin’s sphere of influence, this could be the make or break point of the Gang War.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #41 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment – Cover: Simone Bianchi)

The mood is tense as Tombstone and Kingpin begin to discuss business. With their children (Kingpin’s son – The Rose and Tombstone’s daughter – The Beetle) on a collision course, there is more than money at stake. Fisk wants to sway action for his son. Tombstone isn’t willing to budge. All the while, Typhoid Mary becomes infatuated with the heroes standing in the background.

The eventual explosion of action commences. Tombstone vs. Kingpin! Typhoid Mary vs She-Hulk! Spidey vs The Hellfire troops! Readers want action, they got it!

Meanwhile, The Rose and Beetle’s forces come to a head as well. The power play for territory is on! With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, the final moments elude that a victor might have been declared in the latest round.

Wells dives heavy into the action for this issue. That’s not a bad thing considering Kingpin’s presence. The legacy he brings to the war speaks volumes. The conversations with Tombstones line up with the saying “Only Kings can speak with Kings”. Their demeanors reflect their positions in the criminal underworld.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #41 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment – Cover: Ryan Stegman)

The ending might feel abrupt when reading but it falls back on this theme. The “Honor amongst thieves” weighs heavy until the conflict resolutions hit the readers. There’s much to process between the battles which is only amping up more drama. Nothing but a win for readers.

Romita and company slowly build up the battle with the emotions of Tombstone and Kingpin. The family aspect rings true through the panels. Knowing their children are involved, the anger of the upcoming conflict is a clear connect. The action kicks off with an excellent split two-page spread spotlighting the boss fight.

The shorter panels featuring the conflict between Tombstone and Kingpin later in the book gives a sense of how both are all too familiar with this fight. From Kingpin smiling to Tombstone’s rage building, the art sets a high pace with the moving parts involved.

This leads to a subtle conclusion with a 9 panel page capturing the fallout for all parties involved. It drives home the point that the war may have just had a huge turning point for readers to process.


Wilson Fisk makes impacts the battle for New York City instantly with an action-packed issue. Wells lights the match for the combustible parties involved while Romita and company grant readers with excellent fight sequences and a mic drop moment to leave on!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #41. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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