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The Hunger and the Dusk #3: Nothing is Fair in Love & War


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Creative Team

Written by: G. Willow Wilson

Art by: Chris Wildgoose

Colors: Msassyk

Letters by: Simon Bowland

Color Assistant: Diana Sousa

The Hunger and the Dusk from IDW Publishing, Issue 3

We last saw our human and orc couple, Callum and Tara, in the midst of an ambush by the Vangol. We were left with Tara looking in shock and fear as she stared at the now dead human, Loris.

As an orc among humans, who until very recently were strangers and enemies, I feared for Tara. I worried the all too common trope of, ‘this isn’t what it looks like,’ would occur: they would blame Tara. I genuinely love when my predictions are wrong when enjoying a fictional story, and I am genuinely loving this story! 

All images by IDW Publishing. Cover art by Christian Wildgoose.

If you want a recap and review of the first two issues click here.

The Story for Issue #3

This issue kicks off with the newly wed orcs, Troth and Faran. We see them licking their own wounds after The Vangol attacked them as well. While they’re mourning and worrying they’ll ultimately lose, they notice something odd about one of the dead Vangol. He has dirt all over and under his nails. To the degree that he must have been digging. 

Variant cover for the Hunger and the Dusk
All images by IDW Publishing. Cover Art by Jessica Fong.

We then cut to shortly after we left Callum and Tara. Tara sits in what looks like sadness and fear. They too are in mourning, as they bury Loris. As the story progresses, we see the humans, or The Last Men Standing, have managed to capture a Vangol. With the unexpected help of Tara, they make a discovery that they hope will help turn the tides in their favor. However, they have a lot more work to do, to make that happen. 

The Art

The art is as consistent as it is beautiful. The colors are calming, while the art still shows the intensity that these characters are dealing with. Comics are so much more than dialogue, and they have a lot to say in a short period.

Once again, this comic accomplished a range of intense emotions with the art. I truly feel for everyone. I even had a moment of empathy for the Vangol who was captured, because I could see the pain on his face.

The Hunger and the Dusk #3 Rating: 9.5/10

I can’t recommend this comic enough. In such a short time it made me feel fear, empathy, hope, and it made me smile. With so many stories out there these days, we often think we know where things are headed, and it’s such a breath of fresh air when we’re wrong.

I look forward to seeing how this plays out, and I hope the characters I have fallen in love with already, make it to the end. However, if my favorite stories have taught me anything, no one is safe. This is a comic you’re definitely going to want to add to your pull list sooner than later!

This author, Lauren, is from the podcast Hops ‘GEEK’ News.

All Images by IDW Publishing. Variant Cover by Cliff Chiang.


Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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