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Kaya Issue 12 – It has Been Foretold!


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Kaya #12: James Harren (Cover B Art), Jason Wordie (colors) Credit Image Comics

Kaya Issue 12 –  Image Comics

Creative team: Wes Craig (story, art and design), Jason Wordie(colors), Tom Napolitano(letters), Erika Schnatz (design)

Kaya issue 12 brings us another mini issue between our main storyline that has been coined  “In-Betweeners” by our writer Wes Craig.These issues have been critical reads to the series and provide some answers to the questions readers have been thinking about! This issue focuses on Lord Vox, one of the main of the robotic clan, that is behind the devastation of Kaya’s village.

Check out the review of Kaya #11 here!

Kaya #12: Wes Craig (art and design), Jason Wordie (colors), Credit Image Comics

The Art, Designs and Flow:

One of the standout features of Kaya #12 is Craig’s artwork. His unique and dynamic style brings the world of the Robot Kingdom to life in vivid detail. From the Greek inspired Capital to the intricately designed mechanical creatures, every panel is a visual treat. Jason Wordie’s Colors are light and bright adding to the God like atmosphere that is conveyed throughout this issue. Craig walks a tightrope in balancing the ever building tension and pressure with the comedic aspects.

Final Thoughts:

This issue is anything but filler, where we get glimpses of the true big bad of the series and how cut throat they operate! Craig’s writing almost made me feel sorry for Lord Vox, whom I have disliked throughout this series. The comedic exchanges between Lord Vox and his servant were some of my favorite parts! There is an intriguing dynamic at play and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out!

Overall Grade 8.5 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let me know what comics you’re reading and hit me up on Twitter. Till next time…

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Your friendly neighborhood SCUBA Instructor that loves comic books, movies and casual gaming. Data Engineer by day comic book reader by night! Comic Reviewer for Nerd Initiative! Also into show skiing, wakeboarding and snowboarding

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