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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110- Prelude To Darkness


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Power Rangers
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGES #110- PRELUDE TO DARKNESS by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire. (CREDIT: Boom!Studios- Cover By Taurin Clarke)


Creative Team: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo and Jose Enrique Fernandez and Ed Dukeshire (Cover)Taurin Clarke


The 30th anniversary of Power Rangers drives on as Mistress Vile is on the search for the arch as Drakkon and Kiya have used it to transport themselves away already warning the remaining Rangers to destroy it. Her search for the arch and true power sets the stage for the upcoming series Darkest Hour, which will be a 12-month mega event in the Power Rangers universe.



A Strong Start

Power Rangers
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGES #110- PRELUDE TO DARKNESS by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire. (CREDIT: Boom!Studios- Cover By Taurin Clarke)

The story kicks off with the remaining Rangers examining the arch that Rita is seeking in order to bring about total destruction. From the get-go, the art is stand out as Gianfelice along with Raul and Jose paints a wonderful space sequence that is blended in red and black quickly encapturing your attention.

Meanwhile, we see Mistress Vile having captured Vessel and scientist Grace Sterling, showcasing her might as she takes down Vessel. Thereby revealing that his body once belonged to Zordon before making another shocking revelation.

Green Ranger Problems

Once again the Green Ranger has fallen under Rita aka Mistress Vile’s spell, and is now revealed to be working as an agent of evil. Melissa and her team aren’t finished there with building up the 12-month event to come as our Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team is on the search for Drakkon.

Their search reveals that Lord Zed now has a Morpher and has doubled in power himself but, alas, isn’t here for a fight. The Rangers and Zed have themselves a common enemy in Mistress Vile. The story culminates with Vile’s henchmen in a battle as she herself finds her way to the arch where she sets to unleash her grand scheme.

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The Set Up

A stand-out sequence in the ensuing battle is when we witness a mighty zord rise from the dust which Lord Zed is in charge of. Gianfelice does an astronomical job of making you immediately feel its power, giving him his own zord which is a mighty dragon towering over the battlefield. As the Rangers fight their way inside they find they are too late and thus sets us into the upcoming series The Darkest Hour.

Power Rangers
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGES #110- PRELUDE TO DARKNESS by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire. (CREDIT: Boom!Studios- Cover By Taurin Clarke)

Melissa and her team from the get-go provide a wonderful blend of feeling the weight of the situation through both words and art. The standout in this issue is the blends of colors used on each page as you are gripping the pages at every turn.

The team perfectly sets up the gravity of the situation taking us into one of the biggest events in Power Rangers history. Melissa Flores is at her best as she weaves the various storylines together culminating in a cliffhanger that rivals even The Empire Strikes Back.

Final Thoughts: 5/5 Cigars

This is an issue that sets up the next year in storytelling in the Power Rangers universe. It accomplishes just this and leaves the reader craving more as we are left with a cliffhanger. The art and writing blend together seamlessly which for me, leaves me with a rating of 5/5 cigars.


Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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