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The Iron God – Iron Man at his Most Powerful!


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Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor: Reforged! New intro, new armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag of tricks, each week you’re going to get to take a look at a new armor or version of Iron Man from across comics, film, and TV!

This week we take a look at what happens when a man with questionable morals gains the power of the gods! The Iron God story line can be found in Iron Man (2020) #13-#19 by Christopher Cantwell, C Cafu, Frank D’Armata, and Lan Medina.

Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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