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MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #109 – Vile On The Verge of Ultimate Victory


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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 – BOOM! STUDIOS

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios

Creative Team: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast On Nerd Initative!

For this entry, the current run of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Boom! Studios can easily be defined as legendary (and its only just begun). It has almost been a year since the new creative team took the reins and never looked back.

In this time period, they have reinvented a classic villain and given the Rangers their biggest threat to date. With a HUGE storyline kicking off with “the Darkest Hour” in MMPR #111, the path to get there has been must-read material.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios continues to ramp the tension up with hope slipping further and further out of the heroes grasps. Let’s take a closer look at the events unfolding here, shall we?

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios

Rita Repulsa has returned in a monster way. Repulsa has transformed into the dangerous Mistress Vile. In her first move, Vile sends a huge message defeating Lord Zedd and leaving him lying near death at her feet. The Rangers have been on the defensive since the intial encounter and haven’t been able to catch a moment to bounce back.

Vile has been striking them with pin-point accuracy with her attacks. No greater move has struck the Rangers more than her kidnapping and brainwashing Matt the green Ranger.

Now with an army by her side led by Matt and “The Vessel”, the body of Zordon under an evil influence, Vile makes her biggest push to accomplish her plan of unleashing the evil of the Dark Spector by controlling the Morphin Grid.

Who Rises to the challenge?

There is an unlikely challenger to Vile’s plans that no one saw coming: A Morphin Powered Lord Zedd! With the huge showdown looming, a familiar face is lurking in the wing with plans all his own.

This issue picks up with Lord Drakkon freeing Kiya, the former Omega Ranger from her prison. With their past, the pair quickly become reluctant allies with the chaos swirling around them. Drakkon convinces Kiya to help activate the Morphin Arch on Safehaven.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios

The pair is intercepted by current Omega Rangers Kevor and Yale. Kiya is none too pleased to see her replacement and make quick work of the pair until Zach and Trini arrive. Drakkon and Kiya escape with a warning to the Omega Rangers: Destroy the Arch before Vile finds it.

The Final showdown looms…..

Meanwhile on Earth, Vile has already made great strides in her plans and taken Grace Sterling hostage. On the cusp of winning, Vile thinks Vessel is returning after disposing of Zedd, but reality is quite the contrary. Zedd arrives and is ready to finally handle unfinished business.

As for the Rangers, they make a stand against Matt and Vile’s forces. Readers are in for an emotionally charged throwdown as the payoff for the builds hit their marks. On top of the action, there appears to be an unlikely shift of allies heading into an imposing final issue to lead into ending this arc before the darkest Hour begins.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios


Flores kicks off the conclusion of the current arc with an issue fans will be very excited to read. The return of Drakkon and Kiya has been hovering in the background for a bit but their re-introduction plays into how desperate times have become. The theme of “Enemy of My Enemy is my Friend” shines thru and plants a seed for a later return with the Omega Rangers. The showdowns fans have been waiting for will lock in with readers.

The Zedd/Vile standoff presents the duel fans have been waiting for with great dialogue and a surprise factor thrown in the mix. The battle that will stand out the most is Matt vs. The Rangers. Setting up how he was before Vile captured him and referencing the potential romance with Aisha, Flores adds an extra level of emotion to the panels.

Readers will literally hear the drop in Aisha’s voice when she says “Yes”. Overall, the key players and stories all had enough time with the pacing to head into next issue bracing for the uncertain future ahead.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios



Di Gianfelice returns to art duties after Marco Renna filled in last issue and doesn’t skip a beat bringing the action to this issue. The battle with Zedd and Vile had a strong presence to it with big panels featuring the two finally squaring off. The coloring from Angulo (with an assist from Jose Enrique Fernandez) captured readers attention and never let go.

The emotional reactions were featured throughout this issue from Kiya seeing the Omega Rangers again and especially with Matt vs. The Rangers. The emotional reactions of Matt and Aisha during the fight never was lost in the shuffle.

Those moments told their own story which will link up with readers. The panel with Aisha says “Yes” is told just reading her eyes. Each sub-plot looks poised for a big conclusion next issue with the closing full page panel sending readers home on.


The dynamic duo of Flores and Di Gianfelice reunite to send the Power Rangers on the path to the Darkest Hour. With emotionally charged writing paired with incredible visuals, the hype surrounding this current story arc continues to be justified with another exceptional issue. There is something special unfolding with this series that all readers need to check out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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