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Amira’s Personal Journey as a Creator, MCU Fan and Representation Activist


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Deciding to create a TikTok account to share my personal views on movies and talk about the MCU was one of the scariest and most exciting things I have ever done.

Peace everyone it’s your girl Amira and let me talk to you about my journey on Tiktok!

More: Feeling Seen: Why Shang-Chi and Ms. Marvel Mean The World To Me As An Asian-American

Tiktok provided me with the possibility to add my voice as a Muslim woman in a community that I thought was closed to me. It also gave me the possibility to push forward positive Muslim representation.

Sharing my first video was really intimidating, but I realized quickly that people were more welcoming than anything else. There was a whole group of creators who was working hard to make a safe space.

Meet Amira - Fan of Redemption Arcs, Perennial Optimist and Representation Activist

This is how I met Tony (Mr.Marvelite) and later Michael (SuperheroTok). These two had an idea and just like Nick Fury, they had a team to assemble, an initiative to start.

I feel lucky to be part of the Nerd Initiative. I get to do what I am passionate about, learn more about movies and be unapologetically me.

I truly hope that my content pushes for a respectful and open dialogue about Muslim representation in media. I wish for it to help other Muslims create and feel included in the narrative too!

I understand that this takes time, but guess what? change already started!

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