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TMNT: The Last Ronin II—Re-Evolution #2 – New Mystery


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Creative Team – Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman(story). Esau & Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop(art). Luis Antonio Delgado(colors). Shawn Lee(letters and design). Nicholas Niño(assistant editor). Thea Cheuk, James S. Rich(editors).

Published by IDW Publishing

Art by Esau & Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop. Published by IDW Publishing

Be sure to check out my review for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution here! Hope you enjoy!

Frozen Stiff

Picking up right where we left off last time, Odyn was paralyzed while defending the food bank and urgent care base with Casey and his siblings. To my surprise, the paralyzation started to wear off on the rush back to their lair. No one knows why Odyn froze up, and they’re all trying to get to the bottom of it. Fortunately, Odyn gets back to his able bodied self and his siblings go off to make some dinner.

Casey and April keep Odyn behind to run a couple more tests in order to help them get to the answers they need as to what happened to him. Understandably so, Casey feels a lot of guilt because it was her that brought the out to fight for the first time. She’s reassured by her mom, April, that she doesn’t think it was her fault. April says she will find the answers with the help of science. Casey and Odyn head to dinner while April stays back to look at Odyn’s data.

Playing God

April calls on Zayton Honeycutt, who now has his mind and memories installed into April’s computer, for help on looking into Odyn’s neurological data. Zayton Honeycutt has some pretty big feelings about the entire situation with the Ninja Turtles and accuses April of playing God when she performed the mutation experiment on the turtles. April and Professor Honeycutt go back and forth and we get a great look at how Zayton ended up at April’s computer. April ends up storming out after demanding that Zayton helps her in finding out if her grandson is in danger or not.

Art by Esau & Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop. Published by IDW Publishing

Suit Up

This second installment of TMNT: The Last Ronin II- Re-Evolution does a great job with having so many points in the story but making them all fit one big plot. Each part is very compelling and keeps you wanting more. A little later in the comic, Casey gets a call that the Chelsea Cartel and the Midtown Mafia are battling it out in the public street and citizens are in danger. Commander Zaragoza needs their help, despite the cops wanting Casey and her crew to sit this out. It’s time for Casey and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to suit up and get out there to help save the innocent citizens caught in the crossfire.

The Art

The amount of detail that goes into every page is astounding! You can really see how much work into each panel. I also love the contrast of the dark scenes and the details of bright colors like Zayton’s screen or Uno’s bright red mask. I think it adds a level of energy to the overall story and feels very Ninja Turtle-esque.

Something I’ll never get tired of is how each Turtle looks so different. It feels like they’re given an entirely new layer of depth with their new looks. The artists of TMNT: The Last Ronin II- Re-Evolution #2 seem like they’re having a lot of fun with and we’re all benefiting greatly from it.

Art by Esau & Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop. Published by IDW Publishing

The Writing

Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman truly show their talents with the new age of the TMNT. The story is so enthralling and it’s only the second issue of the run. The characters are written in a way that makes you think you know the character due to reading them in past comics, but there’s still an air of mystery that makes you want to know more. I love how emotional this comic was written, especially for April and Casey. It makes it feel like the stakes grow higher and higher with every new plot point.

Final Thoughts

Another banger of a comic for TMNT: The Last Ronin – Re-Evolution! They’ve got me hooked with the story and the characters. Seeing April and Casey care so deeply for the Ninja Turtles, while the Turtles want to get out there and prove themselves works so well in this comic book. I’ll be impatiently waiting for the third issue to release as I can’t wait to see what’s next.

I give this an 8 out of 10

This review was written by me, Megan! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II- Re-Evolution #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

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