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GEIGER #3: The World is a vast Junkyard


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Geiger #3 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh. (Credit Ghost Machine and Image Comics. Cover by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson.)

Geiger #3:

Geoff Johns and Gary Frank (Creators,)

Brad Anderson ( Colorist,)

Rob Leigh (Letters.)

Cover by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson.

Our anti-heroic adventures continue with Geiger and Nathan headed towards Montana, but not without an important lesson in reading.

Issue #3 brings us further into the mind of Geiger, and what he holds dear as a long-forgotten piece of junk is found to be in search of him unbeknownst to Geiger. No road is ever easy let alone one filled with organ-harvesting creatures..

The Art:

For a story that takes place in a forgotten wasteland, the team does a tremendous job filling the pages with life. Brad’s ability to bring the radioactive green to life so vividly from the pages should put this in contention for awards next year.

Meanwhile, Gary hammers home an intense amount of detail in things such as the muscles our hero flashes from beneath his cloak and the books that fill the library. When it comes to action, the seamless transition done as Geiger flips his switch is a sight to behold. This comic is impressively done and pulls us in deeply while giving us a jump scare as we forget amidst the tranquility that there are horrors in this land.

Geiger #3 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh. (Credit Ghost Machine and Image Comics. Cover by Dean Haspiel.)

The Writing:

On the surface, it may seem not much happens in this issue. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth as Johns brings us a little deeper into the mind of Tariq. He may be a man of few words, but the relationship with Knight he has formed and how he can show that books have a deeper symbol and meaning are these subtle, endearing moments.


Blink, and you miss it because, this duo gives us a couple of easter eggs that hint at the Ghost Machine universe at large that really should excite us all as readers.

Lastly, we have to talk about how Rob Leigh transitions Geigers voice from when he is human and glowing through the lettering. You can almost hear the vile hissing in his voice as he evolves into the glowing man. This ability is not easily done on pages yet, he crushes this task.


This universe and world the Ghost Machine crew are building felt a little larger in this issue. Issue #3 of Geiger brings us to a slower pace, yet, the little details and backstories give us so much more. Geiger is well on the path to becoming a household name and you should be on this train from the start.

9.5/10 Cigars.

This has been a review by Matt of Hopsgeeknews! For more reviews and links to his podcast check out http://linktr.ee/hopsgeeknews

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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