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Tag: Off the Cuff Tom

In the Black Forest of Germany, something wicked and wild awaits! Nazi's call upon mad scientists, the occult, monsters, and even worse to win the war. The Grave Brigade is a special military unit made up...
IDW Publishing & Alien Books Forge Strategic Partnership Award-winning publisher IDW Publishing has announced a strategic partnership with the innovative comic book company Alien Books. This collaboration will enhance Alien Books’ industry presence with expanded distribution, marketing...

Moon Man #2: Emotionally Charged Story Continues to Soar

Creative Team: Scott "Kid Cudi" Mescudi and Kyle Higgins (Writers), Marco Locati (Artist), Igor Monti (Colors), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Letters), Michael Busuttil (Editor) Dive into the...

Power Rangers Unlimited #1: The Morphin Masters

Ryan Parrott and Rachel Wagner co-write this incredible story that would be just fine to throw a standard run number on it and call...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116: Into The Grid Again!

After Drakkon enacted his Plan B, leaving all the Rangers on mission to fend for themselves without a powerhouse like him. Where do we...


It's time to talk some Power Rangers with your Pop Culture Connoisseur....Tom Craven! Creative: MARIA INGRANDE MORA, JO MI-GYEONG, FABIANA MASCOLO, CARDINAL RAE &...

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