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Tag: Ninja Turtles

Oh Meghan, Meghan. You are such a divisive person and yet - everyone is seemingly (hate) watching your show. Well that's the 'consensus' I'm seeing in my news feeds on mainstream and social media. All things considered......
ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #3 BRINGS HEROES AND VILLAINS TOGETHER AGAINST EMPEROR DOOM! To keep up with all the comic news, click here! Earlier this week in One World Under Doom #2, Emperor Doom publicly humbled the...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Alligators in the Sewers?! The Old and New of Leatherhead

In the original Mirage Comics run Leatherhead first appeared in Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6 in 1988 as a baby alligator that escaped during a pet store robbery

MMPR/ TMNT II #5 – Fandoms Collide for an epic finale

All would have been lost if not for an unlikely "ally” in the battle: Shredder! “The enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend” has...

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