The story of B (aka Unute) has been drenched in mystery and violence for decades. In present day, B has aligned himself with the US Government, as a human...
One year ago, ROGUE SUN made its’ debut and welcomed readers into the world of Dylan Siegel, and the supernatural side of comic’s most exciting new universe.
Phantom Road #1 wastes no time delivering a mesmerizing tale combining the worlds of fantasy horror and realistic drama to give readers an excellent...
Now is time to leave a comment with your best guess. Even if you have to take a wild shot in the dark, you never know which of those shots will actually land!
Now is time to leave a comment with your best guess. Even if you have to take a wild shot in the dark, you never know which of those shots will actually land!
Full Review For "Buttercup: Remembrance"
Earth has been destroyed and humanity is no more. There are, however, a select group on non-human survivors from the...