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Tag: dc comic characters

NIGHTWING #106 review – Secrets and mystery drifting at sea

Nightwing #106 by DC Comics Creative: Tom Taylor, Michael Conrad (Breakfast for Dinner), Steven Byrne, Serg Acuña (Breakfast for Dinner), Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott Welcome...


WONDER WOMAN #1 by DC Comics Creative: Tom King (Mr. Miracle), Daniel Sampere (ACTION COMICS), Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles Welcome to an all new edition...

BATMAN AND ROBIN #1 review – A Bold new adventure

The new adventures of Bruce and Damian Wayne wastes no time locking readers in for what will only be an incredible story...

BATMAN #137 review – Gotham City on the breaking point

BATMAN #137 by DC Comics Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic...

BIRDS OF PREY #1 review – Soaring to dangerous heights!

Birds Of Prey #1 by DC Comics Creative: Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BLACK CLOAK), Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles Welcome to an all-new edition...

Who Was Booster Gold’s First Villain In The Comics? Blackguard!

Booster Gold, the time-traveling hero from the 25th century, has faced off against a litany of villains over the years....

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