Despite their initial encounter being over 40 years ago, Moon Knight and Bushman have continued to cross paths and fight each other. This ongoing feud has become a significant part of Moon Knight's history...
The first Star Trek comic book event comes to an epic and satisfying conclusion in this issue. While it leaves cliffhangers for future stories, the event itself is essentially wrapped up in a nice little bow...
Christopher Powell, after discovering a mysterious amulet, gains the ability to switch places with a super-powered android and becomes the hero known as Darkhawk...
The Shade, a low-level criminal, made his debut in Flash Comics #33 in 1942. Unlike the mobsters and thugs that Garrick had faced before, The Shade possessed the ability to manipulate the shadows...
This is a supernatural detective story with no shortage of twists and turns. So if you like magic and mystery then you are going to fall in love with this series for sure...
This is a series on par with anything Image has put out in the past. If the story continues at the pace and depth it’s currently at then I foresee this being “the next big thing” in comic books...
Iron Man, has faced a number of enemies throughout his career, due in part to his former profession as a weapons manufacturer. However, his first villainous adversary dates back to Tales of Suspense Number 39...
Kahless II is slaughtering his way across the galaxy with his Red Path followers. Some of our favorite Star Trek characters from across multiple different series...
If I had to sum up this first issue in one sentence: Jason Bourne in the apocalypse with no technology, some mental health issues and childhood trauma, with a touch of the supernatural. At this point, I have no clue how much is spot on, and how much is just yet to be uncovered...