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Tag: boom studios

In the Black Forest of Germany, something wicked and wild awaits! Nazi's call upon mad scientists, the occult, monsters, and even worse to win the war. The Grave Brigade is a special military unit made up...
IDW Publishing & Alien Books Forge Strategic Partnership Award-winning publisher IDW Publishing has announced a strategic partnership with the innovative comic book company Alien Books. This collaboration will enhance Alien Books’ industry presence with expanded distribution, marketing...

Hello Darkness #7 – Love & Monsters Lead to Scares

The horror anthology Hello Darkness has returned with some more terrifying tales. Let’s see if the scares are there this issue and deep dive...

When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee #1

A troubled Priest gets a vocation with a real exorcist. Are either of them ready for the road ahead? When I Lay My Vengeance Upon...

Hello Darkness #6 – Alone in the Mouth of Madness

Horror comic fans rejoice, Hello Darkness is back to scratch your horror anthology itch. Tales of desperation and anguish await you on this journey...

Uncanny Valley #7: LOST IN THE DARK WORLD

Creative Team: Tony Fleecs (Writer,) Dave Wachter (Artist,) and Pat Brosseau (Letters.) Cover by Dave Wachter. Publisher: Boom! Studios ***Possible Spoiler Warning*** Uncanny Valley #7: The issue...

S.I.R #5 – Love Wins the Day

Avery laid down the gauntlet to the Roulette Council but was it the smart thing to do. Now, facing down a 3 on 1...

Hello Darkness #5 – Monsters, War, and More!

BOOM! Studios smash horror anthology series Hello Darkness has returned with six more tales to make your skin crawl. Butterflies, cameras, monsters, and war...

Red Before Black #3 – A Spiral Decline

Red Before Black #3 by writer Stephanie Phillips, illustrator Goran Sudžuka, colorist Ive Svorcina and letterer Tom Napolitano. BOOM! Studios

Hello Darkness #4 – BOOM! Brings Halloween Early

What would the spooky season be without some spooky tales? Thanks to BOOM! Studios we don’t have to worry about it, as they hit...

S.I.R #3 – A New Knight Has Arrived

It’s time once again to fire up the engines on our motorbikes and put on our knight armor for some moto jousting. Avery continues...

Vicarious #1 – Next level IRL Streaming

A new sci-fi fantasy by writer Ryan Parrott, artist Eleonora Carlini, colorists Mattia Iacono, Luca Mattioni, and letterer Becca Carey from BOOM Studios! "Have...

Hello Darkness #3 – Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Return to the Comic Shop

It’s time to return to the world of Hello Darkness. Four more scary tales from some of the best creators in the comic book...

S.I.R #2 – Back from the Dead and Ready to Reap Souls

Rev your motorbike engines and get your jousting equipment out, it’s time to moto joust! The underground moto jousters are ramping up for another...

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