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Absolute Power Super Son #1:

Amanda Waller has won and taken every Meta-Humans power and resources as she seeks to conquer. Jonathan Kent, having recently escaped The Braniac-Queen’s clutches, is teamed with the remaining Amazons who have also escaped thus far to fight back and save the world..

Absolute Power Super Son #1 by Sina Grace, Nicole Maines, John Timms, Travis Mercer, Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas, Pete Pantazis Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by John Timms.)

Creative Team:

Writers: Sina Grace and Nicole Maines

Artists: John Timms and Travis Mercer

Colorists: Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas, Pete Pantazis, and Rex Lokus

Letters: Dave Sharpe

Cover: John Timm

The Art:

The all-star cast shines bright in this issue as there are bright colors from panel to panel to catch the eye. Once you’re stuck in the dream like state of amazing colors you cannot help but notice how much detail lies within the lines. Some of the standouts are the times Jon is intertwined under Braniac-Queen’s powers and he is half machine and half Kryptonian. The level of detail to showcase the halves standout immensley. I enjoy the tattered and battered look of Jon’s suit and how the story goes back and forth between the dream like sequences flashing colorfully the whole way. Dave’s letters compliment the story invoking emotions as Jon is pleading his case and the conversation he has with Jay is a beautiful heart-felt moment.

The Story:

Sina and Nicole have us questioning what is real and what is a dream as they tell their story. Waller may have thought she won, but the duo shows Jon’s resolve, promising he is okay. This is one of the more vital stories from the Absolute series, and the powerful story is the main reason.

Absolute Power Super Son #1 by Sina Grace, Nicole Maines, John Timms, Travis Mercer, Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas, Pete Pantazis Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by John Timms.)

Overall Thoughts:

Absolute Power Super Son #1 is another great entry into the Absolute series, blending unique artwork with powerful colors and story. Spending more time with Jon and showing how he is as much his father as he is his own person takes this story to new heights.

9/10 Overall.

This has been a review by Matt, who is one half of the dynamic duo that brings you comics, movies, and TV shows with a beer every week. For more reviews or to find the show, check out