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Creative Team: Jeff Lemire (Writer & Illustrator) and Steve Wands (Letterer)


MINOR ARCANA Published by BOOM! Studios

MINOR ARCANA #1 Credit BOOM! Studios

Reading through this issue it hits me that I haven’t read a lot of Jeff Lemire work over his career. There’s no reason other than I just haven’t picked up a lot of what he’s done, but I do remember the books I’ve read and really enjoyed them. Series like TRILLIUM at Vertigo when I was reading as much Vertigo as I could. I picked up some of SWEET TOOTH, but wasn’t able to finish it. I do remember reading his run on GREEN ARROW during the New 52 era and enjoying it. There were a few other odds and ends, but these three books were where the majority of my exposure to his writing. Jumping into MINOR ARCANA felt very different from any of those comics, and within a few pages I became intrigued. 

Jeff Lemire introduces Theresa to us as soon as the book opens up, but we’re introduced to her in a strange vision or world. She’s led away from this by someone calling for her and then she finds herself awake on a bus that has reached her destination – Limberlost, her hometown. Lemire doesn’t allow Theresa any time to take it all in, she’s immediately irritated that she has had to step foot in this town again. Lemire had set an odd tone with the first page of the issue, but doesn’t dwell on it because here in the real world things aren’t as mysterious – Theresa hates it here. 

Slice of life comics can go in a lot of directions. A first issue for a reader is to determine if they like the direction the book is going in, or can they find something that draws them in or a character to latch onto even if the direction isn’t clear up front. MINOR ARCANA #1 is an issue that’s going to introduce the reader to some of the world, but there’s going to have to be some commitment by the reader to hang on for another issue or two to see where the direction is going. While that may be true, Lemire provides a strong first issue that draws you in with his characters and their interactions. That interaction gives readers something to get hooked on and gives them a reason to come back, and while they come back for those interactions they learn about the direction of the book. Lemire is doing a great job in this issue with all of that and I’m on board for more. 

MINOR ARCANA #1 Credit BOOM! Studios

Lemire’s art is something that intrigues me because it is something you can’t find anywhere but when he does it. There are no imitators because they’d all fail at trying to take this style and make it their own. I feel like the only artists off the top of my head that comes close to Lemire’s style are Tyler Jenkins and maybe Riley Rossmo. Unique styles are such a great find for me, it sometimes holds me over for a few issues as I’m trying to determine if I enjoy the story or not. Lemire’s writing has me on board, and his art has me locked in. I understand his style isn’t for everyone, and that’s fine, but knowing we’re going to get a series with Lemire doing both writing and drawing, and coloring on top of that. I wonder if Steve Wands, the letterer on this issue, asked Lemire to let him do something to be involved. 

During the BOOM! Direct interview with Lemire, he does reveal that there are a few different color palettes that he’ll be using for this series, and they have very specific reasons for being used. You see two of those color palettes in this issue, and I’m sure the third will be coming sooner than later. 

When I finished this first issue I felt that I had come away with a story that I could chew on. Theresa is someone who I’ve known before, or several people that she reminds me of. I immediately latched on to her character when she apologized to Kelly at the diner. She’s someone who wants to be angry at everyone else knowing that she’s angry at herself. I enjoy character studies that are entrenched in larger stories and MINOR ARCANA looks to be that kind of story. There’s a lot to dive into and I think that’s what makes this issue worth checking out. You should check it out because there’s so many interesting directions Lemire can take Theresa, and the readers, and what more can you ask for in a storyteller?

RATING – 8 out of 10

Chris has been a comic book fan since picking up ELFQUEST #2 off the spinner rack and the corner store near his grandparents' home in Durham, NC. Since then, Chris has bought, read, and sold more comics than he cares to count. There isn't a comic book series that Chris won't try at least one issue of if you're willing to stay and listen to what he thinks about it.

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