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Written by: Juni Ba, Artwork by Fero Pe, Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado, Letters by Nathan Widick Cover Courtesy of IDW

IDW Publishing has brought us a new story in the TMNT Franchise and to cover this #1 is 2 reviewers so don’t get Shell Shocked. This review teams up Mickey “CWK” Smith (N.I. Play 4 Keeps) and “Off The Cuff” Tom!

TMNT: NIGHTWATCHER #1 – Written by: Juni Ba, Artwork by Fero Pe, Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado, Letters by Nathan Widick

Writing and Story

C-W-K: Juni Ba takes us on a wild ride as The Nightwatcher tries to stop what appears to be a robbery. As the pursuit becomes a fight, we get breaks in the action of humans and mutants, expanding upon the current socio-political state of affairs in this world.

There are plenty of parallels to our current society in that regard. We soon find out that the Nightwatcher has taken up arms to stop the abductions and theft by humans in the mutant part of the city. 

Ba does a great job of keeping the reader on their toes when it comes to The Nightwatcher’s identity. The dialogue never lets you pinpoint one particular Turtle that it could be.

It can be confusing at times with the narration bubbles and determining who is expressing these thoughts, and normally, I don’t like that. In this case, though, it works really well in the end when the character is revealed.

O.T.C. Tom: After 150 issues of TMNT, this is a perfect narrative to keep the story going. This isn’t a reboot, but I wouldn’t consider it a spin-off. Taking place directly in line with Turtle-lore. It still brings the grit that is famous in the IDW series, so I would say this is a continuation, not a sequel.

Having someone “take up the mantle” is a tale as old as time but this one with an armored mutant twist. Speaking of which, the writing is so vague you wouldn’t guess who the Nightwatcher is until the reveal at the end.


C-W-K: Fero Pe does one thing really well in this issue, and that’s dynamic action. About 90 percent of this book is an action sequence and the whole thing is like a thrill ride. One full-page panel sticks out to me as The Nightwatcher reaches through the windshield of the car to grab at the perpetrator and it has an amazing amount of depth.

Next, the color work by Delgado captures the dark, gritty nature of the city while not sacrificing bright or rich colors, which adds to the dynamic feeling of the issue. Finally, the lettering in this issue was of the highest importance. Nightwatchers dialogue had to look brash and intimidating, as executed by black and red colors with harsh bubbles. Then there’s the narration that had to appear neutral, as not to give away the character thinking those thoughts.

O.T.C. Tom: This breakneck ride through the streets of New York is cold gritty, but alive and wild when it should be. You feel every hit, fly with every jump, and shatter windows with the raw energy of TURTLE POWER! The Nightwatcher’s design keeps you wondering.

From the Turtle Lair

Everything Points to 8/10

CWK: This was definitely a fun issue! The Nightwatcher’s dialogue was fantastic, and the fight with the kidnapper was action packed. The artwork shined in a way that represented the TMNT universe well. Deep, rich colors give the eyes a delightful and exciting view while staying balanced with the dark nature of the city and the story.

One note is that the fantastic action scenes were interrupted by rather long 9 panel interviews of citizens. There was some great information and story points to be examined in those pages, but they ultimately bogged down the pacing in the end.

O.T.C. Tom: Like I’ve mentioned, this is a great first outing. When you consider the foundation you’re starting from, the red sky’s the limit. Everything comes together in great harmony: The Story, Art, Colors, and Lettering make a solid book that will leave you wanting for the next issue. I will have to agree with CWK. I think mixing those panels intermittently between fight scenes would have added to the tension about who the Nightwatcher is.

TMNT: Nightwatcher gets 8 out of 10 Cowabungas!

Who do you think the Nightwatcher is? After you hit up your LCS, leave your comments below, and stay tuned to The Nerd Initiative for all your Ninja Turtle News! Don’t forget to tune into Play-4-Keeps on Nerd Initiative YouTube hosted by Cellphone Wallet Keys

42/m/🌎 Cleverly Disguised as an "ADULT" Tom always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it that why he's "OFF THE CUFF!" He isn't afraid to talk about anything or to anyone! As an "ELDER MILENNIAL" his Nerd Knowledge runs deep! He's "THAT GUY you take to Trivia Night or Karaoke Night"

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