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Into The Unbeing: Part 1 #3 One Way Out


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Abby, Selva, and Zara continue to look for a way out of the being they’ve been swallowed by. As much as science compels them to explore, their survival instincts pushes them forward to escape. This team was never really on the same page to begin with, and they still haven’t located their missing member Hildur. They must continue moving downward “Into The Unbeing” for an exit with plenty of strange creatures and dangerous drops to navigate. Are they parasites, or are they prey?

Courtesy of Dark Horse Comics. Cover art by Hayden Sherman.

Into The Unbeing: A New Point of View

Issue 3 of Into The Unbeing continues the trend of following the point of view of a different member of the group. This issue we follow Selva, the entomologist in the party. As with the other characters, we glimpse into her her background. We learn that she went from not caring about anything, to being the lone survivor in a rafting accident that changed here outlook on life.

Selva is the youngest of the scientists. She can be brash and quick to anger. She’s getting fed up with being in this organism and wants out. Everything here is an enemy and an obstacle in her eyes. Even so, she finds herself fascinated with the insect life forms.

Read My Review for Into The Unbeing Issue One Here!

The Only Way Out is Down

As she pushes the team to leave, she rushes them into dangerous situations. She leads them into some dangerous spelunking downward, hoping to find a way out. Being in a hurry, someone falls from the lungs into the stomach, leaving them in a dire state.

A Character Driven Story

Courtesy of Dark Horse Comics. Jenna Cha and Brad Simpson.

Zac Thompson continues to excel at character development. Each issue has expanded upon one of the team members, showing us who they really are and how they got there. Each one has a unique psychology and Thompson puts us in their shoes in a fascinating way.

Due to Selva’s personality and character type, the action in this issue moves at a steady pace. The first two issues had slight issues with pacing, as this is a slow burn type of story, but issue 3 picks it up in that department.

Beautiful and Frightening Artwork

Hayden Sherman’s art is still driving this book. His designs for the inside of this giant organism look biologically accurate, while still looking like an alien world. With the characters traveling down the esophagus with gnarly teeth, the body horror levels rise. When they encounter a weird deer like creature, they flee to the veins, where they swim right into the chest cavity. It’s here that all of the horror environments are balanced by a beautiful scenic view of a giant pair of lungs. Sherman is blowing me away with these beautiful, eerie views of the internal human anatomy. Ms. Frizzle, eat your heart out.

What Happened in Issue 2 of Into The Unbeing?

Everything Points to 9/10

Overall this has to be the strongest entry into the series thus far. The story moved at a great pace and we got to see a lot more of each characters emotional state. The artwork reminds me of the first time I saw Jurassic Park and being in awe of the beautiful setting and interesting creatures, but knowing that all of it wants to kill me. As things progress and the stakes continue to rise, I’m starting to get the feeling that no one is making it out alive, if only one of them. I can’t wait to see how this ends.

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smithhttps://poplme.co/ETtFIMLE/dash
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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