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Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3 – Strange in the Ways


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What’s Up Comic Book Fans!? Rich from the NI Bullpen bringing you my first Marvel Comics review! For this review I’m taking the journey on the dark side and reviewing the finale of the Midnight Sons Blood Hunt arc.

Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3 is written by Bryan Hill, art by Germàn Peralta, color by Arthur Hesli, lettering by VC’s Cory Petit, and covers by Ken Lashley, Juan Fernandez, Greg & Tim Hilderbrandt, and Declan Shalvey.

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

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***Minor Spoilers Possible***

“Johnny, Can I Scream Yet”

Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3 picks right up where issue #2 left off. The team is concerned about what is happening with Blade. Ghost Rider wants to give him the penance stare, while Tulip still has faith that the real Blade is still alive inside of him.

At the same time Johnny Blaze & Victoria Montesi are trying to get the cleansing started at the hospital. The rest of the team will join them for the cleansing. With the game plan being that the Medical Examiners fear will draw out the entity.

The entity shows itself and the team vanquishes the spirit. Meanwhile, Tulip tracks Blade down in Thailand. Where it is revealed he’s back to himself. But is he back to normal?

Final Thoughts

Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3 does a good job of finishing up the story arc. The art looks great, and the story is easy to follow. The entity that is terrorizing the hospital looks cool. Finally, they do a good job of creating suspense leading to Blade #1.

For all the things I liked, I did have a big drawback. I felt like they could’ve given this story a little more, being that it is the finale of the arc. The cleansing of the entity was anti climatic at best. There was no real threat, and the “fight” was over before it truly began. The lackluster finish was disappointing.

Putting a book end on this review, I can honestly say although I had some problems with this issue, I don’t regret giving it a read. The art and the Blade storyline were worth the read. Plus, it made me excited to see what the launch of Blade #1 will be.

Final Grade: 5.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryellhttp://3fnpodcast.com
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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