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Geiger #3 Scorched Earth on The Organ People!


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Barney has been taken! Who could have done such a thing? Geiger and Nate have to go through the airpot to reach their destination and that’s dangerous. Why? Because the Organ People live there! It’s a knock down, drag out rumble with the zombie like cannibals that lurk in the dark before finding “The Beast” responsible for Barney’s abduction!

Courtesy of Ghost Machine/Image Comics. Cover art by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson.

Geiger Is Done Messing Around

The story opens with a mysterious figure trapping Geiger’s companion Barney and leaving behind a bloody memento and a map to find him. All this while Nate the Nuclear Knight had left his watch to replace the books he destroyed. Once Geiger has the trail, it’s no more “Mr. Nice Guy”.

Geiger’s disdain for ruthless killing is clouded by his rage for Barney and his mysterious abductor. Now he’s will ing to travel through the airport as a short cut. The mayhem that ensues is action packed, brutal, and totally awesome!

One good thing to come of Geiger’s rampage is saving a woman and child from being the Organ Peoples next meal. It was good to see that even in this berserker mode he was in, he was still capable of good deeds and compassion.

Did you miss issue #3 of Geiger? Check it out!

Writing Geiger with Controlled Chaos

Geoff Johns and Gary Frank do a great job of pushing the story along with action. Never in this issue was there a dull moment. What’s more impressive is that with the more aggressive pacing, they never lost sight of character development or plot. Geiger is emotionally unhinged, but he still has the awareness of his surroundings. Nate disobeys Geigers orders to move ahead and wait for him, showing up to help take on the horde of Organ People. Nate actual gets some fantastic moments to shine in battle!

Courtesy of Ghost Machine/Image Comics. Cover art by André Lima Araújo

Finally, Geiger and Nate arrive at their destination and The Electrician reveals himself. He’s set a clever trap for a man in metal armor and a super being of radioactive energy. This adversary is set up to be a challenge, as he’s found a way to put Geiger at a disadvantage!

Geiger Could Be a Grindhouse Feature Presentation!

The artwork in this issue is phenomenal as always. The action is lights out and every panel has a grittiness and brutality to it that screams Grindhouse Action! Every movement, every facial expression, and the page layouts are a detailed piece to the large rollercoaster ride that keeps this thing moving with purpose.

Let’s talk about the colors as well. A lot of this issue takes place in an airport hanger and the play with lighting is executed perfectly. The nice touches that are added in with Geiger’s glow are the cherry on top!

Everything Point to 9/10

As Geiger continues to unfold in this universe, it’s clear that as a character he contains a lot of layers. As we peel those back and see different angles of him, he only becomes more intriguing. Also, the world around him can feel so big and yet grounded at the same time. He’s a seriously heavy hitter as far as powers go, so to see someone really put him in harms way is great. I’m really excited to see how this confrontation with The Electrician unfolds!

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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