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Helen of Wyndhorn #3 is much more than just Fantasy


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Creative Team

Written by: Tom King; Art by: Bilquis Evely; Colors by: Matheus Lopes; Letters by: Clayton Cowles; Covers A and B by: Bilquis Evely with Matheus Lopes; Cover C by: Fabio Moon.

Helen of Wyndhorn by Dark Horse Comics

A family mystery that includes the supernatural may just be the best family mystery there is. Helen of Wyndhorn is about a 16 year old girl who lost her father to alcohol, only to be quickly following in his footsteps. Helen’s grandfather (who is no more than a stranger to her), sends for someone to collect her and bring her “home” for the first time.

A home her father grew up in, however, a home she never imagined being so privileged to live in. Lilith, who was sent to fetch her, has also been tasked with teaching Helen, yet her primary job has become cleaning up her wine bottles, and comforting her from nightmares in the middle of the night. Until one of those nightmares comes to life. 

The last we saw Helen she was leaving the mansion for the first time, alongside her mysterious grandfather who is clearly hiding something. She’s heading into the same woods she previously saw her nightmare emerge from. 

Check out a review for another fantastic Dark Horse comic, out right now, Minor Threats-The Fastest Way Down.

Helen of Wyndhorn. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Helen of Wyndhorn. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Story for Issue #3

Helen of Wyndhorn goes back and forth from the past to the future. The past focuses on the story of Helen, while the future is all about the tales that were told. The future is about figuring out what is fact and what is fiction, while Helen herself is realizing the fantasy books her father wrote may have been more fact than fiction. 

Issues 1 and 2 laid the groundwork for the tragic short life Helen has lived so far. While issue 3 truly brings her to life. As Helen and her grandfather venture out on a mead filled drunken fantasy adventure, she feels connected to him for the first time ever. While her grandfather becomes less of a mystery, he also becomes more of a legend. A legend she needs to know more about. She also has some light shed on who she is, and where she came from. However, the light shed would make anyone have so many more questions. 

Helen of Wyndhorn. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Helen of Wyndhorn. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Art

This comic tells so much story in such a small time because of the amazingly beautiful and detailed art. Much of issue 3 is told while Helen excitedly tells Lilith all about her adventure. However, we don’t see just a dark room with two women talking. Instead we see the adventure.

On a single page Helen and her grandfather’s expedition can be seen in multiple pictures portrayed with some beautiful colors, and gorgeous backgrounds. Not a single page in this comic is without beauty in the drawings and the colors.

Helen of Wyndhorn Rating 9.5/10

I am absolutely loving the mysteries being pondered in both the past and the present. A widely popular fantasy story filled with mystery as to if there is any reality there is a unique and fun take on a fantasy comic. Issue 3 is really where the story begins to take off.

Most stories based on a family mystery tend to involve adultery, a secret child, alcoholism, or murder. While this story definitely has some of those, it also has a secret world filled with mystery and primed for adventure. Helen of Wyndhorn is a mead filled mysterious adventure that should be added to every comic geek’s pull list.  

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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