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Batman: Gotham by Gaslight The Kryptonian Age by Andy Diggle, Leandro Fernandez, Dave Stewart, and Simon Bowland. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Leandro Fernandez and Dave Stewart.)

Creative Team: Andy Diggle (Writer,) Leandro Fernandez (Artist,) Dave Stewart (Colorist,) and Simon Bowland (Letterer.) Cover By Leandro Fernandez and Dave Stewart.

Batman: Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age:

Issue 1 takes us to a far away time set in 1893 in a Gotham City covered in grime and criminals trying to make their way. The Wayne Foundation is hosting a Gala showcasing a collection of relics collected from far away lands. However, Gotham’s elite are not the only ones with their sites set on a mysterious glowing ring being showcased during this event. Batman: Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age features familiar faces in an unfamiliar time highlighting that no matter the time period, Gotham is under Batman’s watchful eye.

The Art:

Leandro and Dave fully embrace the period they are tasked with playing in, as issue 1 brings us an array of visually enticing panels. I love seeing how the team can craft and create ways for our characters to utilize their skills while not having the technology they would normally have. Getting creative with how Catwoman attaches claws to her boots as though she is climbing a glacier and Batman using throwing knives are the subtle ways this team shows off their creativity.

Another standout is the introduction of Batman as he is masked in smoke and darkness, which adds to his mystique. Showing him battling The League of Shadows within the shadows brings us the power and abilities that Batman has come to make work for him in combat.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight The Kryptonian Age by Andy Diggle, Leandro Fernandez, Dave Stewart, and Simon Bowland. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Leandro Fernandez and Dave Stewart.)

The Writing:

Andy sprinkles in hints of a bigger story without divulging too much, such as when he opens this issue with the Kents finding who we can presume is Clark. I love holding back on Batman and giving us Selena and showing off the elites of the city and the divide between the rich and poor during this time. These pieces are what brought me into the story more profoundly and entranced me into the story. Bowland further encaptures us through the tone in which the characters speak, reminding us that this is indeed a relic of the past.


Getting these Batman period pieces are a lot of fun, and the team explodes onto the scene by showcasing a heart-pounding heist and a breathtaking entry into the Batman lore. Starting with almost a cliffhanger in the opening pages has me excited to see how everybody will tie together in the coming issues.

9.5/10 Cigars.

This has been a review by Matt of Hopsgeeknews! For more reviews and links to their podcast check out http://linktr.ee/hopsgeeknews

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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