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Star Wars Jango Fett #3 – Just Who’s Hunting Who?!


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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And it’s time to review the latest issue of the Jango Fett miniseries from Lucasfilm & Marvel Comics!

Jango Fett is a character that didn’t get a whole lot of screen time (LESS THAN 5 MINUTES) in the only film he appears in, and even going back to old canon there wasn’t that much known about him. With the new canon it’s even less. So to see the folks over at Marvel flesh out one of the more interesting characters has been fun to read, and this issue is no exception! So let’s just jump into it!

Star Wars: Jango Fett #3 – Credit: Marvel Entertainment (cover: Lenil Francis Yu & Nolan Woodard)

Jango Fett #3 by Ethan Sacks (writer), Luke Ross (artist), Nolan Woodard (color artist) & VC’s Joe Carmagna (letterer) spends the the entire issue focusing on the main attraction Jango Fett. He’s on a mission to track down a thief who’s stolen the Hope of Glee Anselm. It’s a gem filled artifact of sorts that is highly important to the planet of Glee Anselm, and without it there the planet will plunge into war.

Sacks tells a masterful story and wastes no time getting down to business with Jango Fett. Shortly after landing on the planet Roxuli, he starts doing whatever is necessary to track down this thief he’s looking for. Oh by the way, did I mention he has no idea what this thief even looks like? The story really shows why Jango would inevitably be chosen as the one the Kaminoans would choose to clone the Republic troops from.

The highlight of this issue is the action sequences, obviously. A good bounty hunter in this universe can be John Wick levels of deadly and Jango Fett is no exception. Also seeing Aurra Sing and Jango together is always awesome. Especially since they never interacted on screen (film or tv).

The artwork in this issue is great with Luke Ross & Nolan Woodard doing a masterful job with Jango and Aurra, and the action sequences are absolutely top notch. They really do a great job showing just how good Jango was, because we never really got to see a whole lot from him in the films.

FINAL POINT: This issue is a fun read for anyone who’s a fan of Star Wars, no matter what level of a fan you are. It does a great job expanding on a character that’s so integral to the story, but one we admittedly don’t know a whole lot about. The action sequences are spectacular, and the story is very memorable. I highly recommend this series to everyone!

Score: 8.5 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review on Nerd Initiative. For more of my content, check out ODPHpodcast.com, follow me on Twitter, and check out more of my reviews here on Nerd Initiative: https://nerdinitiative.com/author/padawanj/!

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